Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Follow Friday #16

Thanks for stopping by!
While here enter to win:

Dezign With a Z 5/24 5/04
Guidecraft Safari Rocking Chair 5/21
HearthSong Sand Digger 5/29
Snorg Tees 4/30

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Follow Hosts One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! Thanks so much I love it:)

Friday Follow

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

We're so excited to announce our First Sponsor of Friday Follow. Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

CafePress- Mother's Day- More

So, I'm checking out CafePress. Lots of Mother's Day Gift Ideas. Everything from t-shirts, totes, aprons, mugs and sooooo much more. One great options is making customized personalized gifts.

Disclosure: No product was received or compensation.

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Review & Giveaway ~closed~

Gift Baskets are the universal gift. They are perfect for any occasion and the selection is endless. has the perfect Mother's Day Gift Baskets. I was looking over the selection and I thought the French Watering Can Mother's Day Gift Basket was just the cutest. was so kind to send a Mother’s Day Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket for me to review. It is wonderful! Filled with Raspberry Filled Butter Cookies, Honeybush Tea Shortbread Cookies, Raspberry Decadence Tea Cookies by The Famous Pacific Dessert Co. and Blueberry Tea Shortbread Cookies. Tasteful Green Earl Grey Everyday Tea, Pink Raspberry Everyday Tea in the most beautiful spring colored Butterfly Tin Pail that can be reused.

Very inresting Facts you should know about

*On August 15th, 2009, broke the Guinness Book of World Records record for the World’s Largest Cupcake. "My son would LOVE that cupcake"

*They offer Fresh flowers and plants. "I didn't realize this until looking around."

*They have been featured on Today, Food Network, Wheel of Fortune, Dr. Phil and many more publications and shows.

*Shipping was fast and the product was secure in the box. SEE BELOW:

Thank you so much to for the wonderful Mother’s Day Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket to review and offering one to one of my readers.

ATTENTION: I know this will be a short contest, but would like to get this out for Mother's Day.

Contest closes 8:00am Eastern May 4, 2010
Open US & Canada & winner has 48 hrs to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Mandatory Entry is to visit and tell me what other product you love.

Entry should look something like one of these with details:

I like the Mother’s Day Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket @


I like the Mother’s Day Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket, with pink tin and purple & blue flowers".

********EXTRA ENTRIES***********

*Blog about the giveaway linking
& Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
*Fan on face book
*Follow @gmtgiftbaskets @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet(3 times per day)
*Become my face book fan.
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter any giveaway I have or Night Owl Mama or I Like It Frantic giveaways one entry for each you enter.
*Add the May to Play Button to your blog
*You can tell me another basket from you like for (2 entries).

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by & Mother’s Day Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket was sent to me. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dezign With a Z Review & Giveaway

I've fallen for vinyl wall decals. Why? they are easy peasy to use. I came across Dezign With a Z, and they have a large assortment of wall art to choose from. Beginning with Laptop Skins and Glow in the Dark wall graphics.

The products are certainly different than any other site. I thought the wall mirrors, wall clocks, chalkboard, and custom decals were delightful. Mini decals are adorable. Dezign With a Z's Wall Mirror reflects like a mirror, but made with 100% mirrored acrylic / resin material to resist breaking. The states chalkboard can be great for learning the states and is just plan wonderful.

It is hard to believe there is a place with such a unique selection of playful, creative, and elegant home or office wall decor. I enjoy that they have video tutorial on their site for instillation of wall tats. I think Design With a Z's Custom Decals services maybe a great choice in adding your personal touch in. Art Work file or from a simple jpeg picture, Design With a Z can make your vision a reality on your wall....

Thanks to Dezign With a Z for giving one of my readers a $30 gift certificate.

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern May 24, 2010
Open Worldwide & winner has 48 hrs to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Mandatory Entry is to visit Dezign With a Z and tell me what other product you love.

Entry should look something like one of these with details:

I like the kittens @


I like the kittens in black playing with string in size 8x10".

********EXTRA ENTRIES***********

*Blog about the giveaway linking Dezign With a Z
& Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
*Fan Dezign with a Z on face book
*Follow @DesignWithaZ @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet(2 times per day)
*Become my face book fan.
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter any giveaway I have or Night Owl Mama or I Like It Frantic giveaways one entry for each you enter.
*Add the May to Play Button to your blog

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by Dezign With a Z & a sample was sent. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.

Wordless Wednesday

5 Minutes For Mom & Go Graham Go and many more wonderful sites sign up and share your Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good News 4/25

Did you know banana's that have brown spots on them, well they have "CHICKEN SPOTS" according to my 3 year old. He also crowns me as a princess with the carousel thing from the baby's swing. Puts it on my head and says I love my Princess and I get a big kiss. He is so sweet..

Well here are some fun giveaways I thought you would like to know about and don't forget to enter my Snorg Tees, Guidecraft, and HearthSong Giveaways. There are some more coming up for the May to Play Event and the Carefree Days of Summer Event so stay tuned.

*Win Wubbzy Goes Green DVD at:
@Go Graham Go
@J. Leigh Designz

*Win a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
@ Blessings Abound MommyEnds April 29
@The Not-So-Blog Ends April 30
@The Mom Reviews Ends April 26
@Night Owl Mama Ends May 1

Laura from The Ethertons is having some wonderful giveaways. To name a few SODA STREAM, CHARM FACTORY, LUNCH PUNCH, CAMERA STRAP COVER, VAT19 SKYBALL, Gourmet Gift Baskets- Mothers Day Classic Gardening Gift Basket and to name a big upcoming giveaway how about a Guidecraft Art Table.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hearthsong Sand Digger Giveaway

My son is no exception, he loves to play in the dirt. So when I found the Sand Digger at HearthSong I knew he could dig up lots of fun with it. That's just what he has done, spinning the Sand Digger all the way around. Pulling handle to dip sand and then swing it over to drop it out.

All metal, with a plastic seat assembly of the HeartSong Sand Digger was fast, bolting the seat to the Body, and locking to the Base. The body includes the handles and diging bucket already assembled. This is one easy toy to put together with an adjustable wrench (not included). One of the best things--NO BATTERIES-- In no time at all, he was ready to dig. My husband had to show my son how to operate and then he was an expert at it:) I recommend the Sand Digger for a excellent outdoor toy for lots of fun and play.

HearthSong offer many fun toys to entertain, educate and inspire. I'm sure you will love all the items HearthSong offer and find just the perfect toys for fantastic fun play.

Thanks to HearthSong for being a sponsor of our May to Play Sponsors. HearthSong will give one of my readers a Sand Digger.

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern May 29, 2010
Open US & winner has 48 hrs to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Mandatory Entry is to visit HearthSong and tell me what other product you love.

Entry should look something like this:

I like the Sand Digger @


Sand Digger, metal built with plastic seat, movable & functions".

********EXTRA ENTRIES***********

*Blog about the giveaway linking HearthSong
& Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
*Fan HearthSong on face book
*Follow @hearthsongtoys @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet(2 times per day)
*Fan HearthSong on face book
*Become my face book fan.
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter any giveaway I have or Night Owl Mama or I Like It Frantic giveaways one entry for each you enter.
*Add the May to Play Button to your blog

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by HearthSong & I received a sand digger to review. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Follow #15

Thanks for stopping by!
While here enter to win:

Guidecraft Safari Rocking Chair:)
Snorg Tees Shirt:)

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Follow Hosts One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! Thanks so much I love it:)

Friday Follow

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

We're so excited to announce our First Sponsor of Friday Follow. Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Turns Your World?

In honor of Earth Day, my son and I planted some flowers & tomatoes yesterday evening.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Woman in the Boat #4

Just never doubt what is is the water around you. My husband and I was heading up river to a honey hole we found. What's a honey hole "lots of fish in one area." We were talking an laughing and about that time he pointed his finger out to the Cliff. There lounged out was a couch potato. Why say couch potato? Cause it was the brightest gator we had both ever seen and to call it a gator was underestimating how big it was. This gator was around 16 foot long and fat.

I was shocked to see something that big laid on the side, like it was lounging ever so comfortable. It laid there with no concern of us and guess what? Our honey hole was across from it. Looks like it was his honey hole too. My husband pulls right on in and starts fishing. I'm there with my rod, looking over my right shoulder.

About 10 minutes goes by. My husband asks "are you OK? cause you haven't said a word. What is it? are you afraid that gator going to come get you? Laughing!!" Well yes, I was scared! I admit it! That gator would have no problem taking on our 12 ft boat. The boat was smaller than him and I've heard stories about gators being aggessive. Well as it turn out, the fish was barely biting, and we decided to go back down river. The couch potato had slipped back into the water and was out of sight. "NOT OUT OF MIND."

We get to the next fishing area and my husband says, "what a big gator, and named it couch potato." I've seen a few gators, but nothing like that before. To be honest my toes will not be back in the unknown water.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Guidecraft Safari Rocking Chair Giveaway

Guidecraft offered a product for my family to review and let me say the selection for a Guidecraft Rocking Chairs is incredible. There are the Butterfly Collection, Pirate Collection, and Safari Collection which went perfect with my son's room. Safari images of Elephants lions, giraffes, and zebras painted with brilliant artistic color, but the the designed is hand carved into the chair. This design element is what sets Guidecraft Rocking Chairs apart from the competition and brings the design alive.

My children wanted to know what was in the cardboard box. The product was shipped very secure. Tight package to prevent sliding and scaring of the product. Putting the rocking chair together was easy following the instruction; however the children were all into the project. They were so excited, so it did take a little extra time to complete. The rocking chair is made of strong wood and solid construction.

The Guidecraft Rocking chair has go to be the cutest handcrafted rocking chair. The characteristic it gives off can bring a child's room alive. Guidecraft also tests paints prior to production for the presence of heavy metals. As a responsible company products meet or exceed mandatory safety standards.

My smallest son wanted in the rocking chair so bad. He kept lifting his leg trying to climb up and rock like his big brother.

So, I had to give him some help. See that little satisfied look. He loves the Guidecraft Safari Rocking Chair.

The Safari Rocking Chair is a perfect fit in my sons room. We are so pleased to add this beautiful piece from Guidecraft to my children's room. It is a true pleasure to have such a beautiful piece of children's furniture and bring joy to my family for years to come.

To keep up with new products and giveaways from Guidecraft you may want to follow on facebook.

Thanks to Guidecraft for being a sponsor of our May to Play Event. Guidecraft will give one of my readers a Safari Rocking Chair.

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern May 21, 2010
Open US & winner has 48 hrs to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Mandatory Entry is to visit Guidecraft and tell me what other product you love.

Entry should look something like this:

Safari Rocking Chair @


Safari Rocking Chair blue elephant, clouds on the arm, zebra striped legs".

********EXTRA ENTRIES***********

*Blog about the giveaway linking Guidecraft
& Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
*Follow Guidecraft Blog (2 entries)
*Follow @Guidecraft @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet(2 times per day)
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter Night Owl Mama or I Like It Frantic giveaways one entry for each you enter.
*Add the May to Play Button to your blog

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by Guidecraft & I received a rocking chair to review. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good News 4/17

It has already started off a hot one in the South. My children love to play outside, so I'm checking out sun wear protection. Right now until 4/30/10 Sun Protection Zone is offering a 10% discount to all mommy bloggers and their readers with the coupon code: mommyblog

Other news in the works:

Preparing for the May to Play Event with Tricia Night Owl Mama.
June/July The Carefree Days of Summer Event with Holly @ I Like It Frantic & Tricia @ Night Owl Mama.

Enter to win a Voila Workbench from Gummy Lump Toys. This giveaway will end on Midnight May 4, 2010.

Friday, April 16, 2010

List of PR Friendly Mom Bloggers

Courtesy of Mommy PR the List of PR Friendly Mom Bloggers to link up.

Follow Friday #14

Just a quick announcement Night Owl Mama & I have teamed up for "MAY TO PLAY." Who are some sponsors we have already Guidecraft, HASBRO & HEARTHSONG. Can't wait to visit your sites and get to know you:)

Thanks to Our Wonderful Sponsor

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Follow Hosts One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!

Friday Follow

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

We're so excited to announce our First Sponsor of Friday Follow. Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

MAY TO PLAY EVENT- entry chance too

Night Owl Mama & I have teamed up to bring our readers "May To Play." We are working with fantastic companies to help kick summer off with giveaways, safety tips, and family play & fun ideas. Some sponsors include Hasbro, Hearth Song, Guidecraft and me4kidz.

Hoping everyone will join us, grab our button and have fun!!! The button code is on the right hand side of my blog.

My son was creative the other day, he wanted to play hopscotch. He had the wash rags on the floor set up into a game of hopscotch.

I would love to hear ideas of games or fun activities. Please leave information on how to do it, so if some wants to try it. I'm going to pick for random org on this post's comments and one commenter will get 10 entries to be use for May to Play giveaways. Can be split or used on one giveaway:) Ends April 30

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Earring Winner

Time to announce the winner of the earring giveaway!!!! Thank you everyone for entering!!!!!!

Wordless Wednesday

5 Minutes For Mom sign up and sahre your Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Contests To Enter + What was seen

First what was seen. Saturday, we visited my grandma's house. We a had a great time catching up and the kids spent time with their great grandma.

Today, my son was talking to his nanna, she asked him "did you have a good time seeing grandma?" He told her, "yes, and I saw grandaddy too." Nanna says, "you saw grandaddy? What was he doing?" He replied "he was tired and sleeping on the couch."

Ok what can you say! Grandaddy died in 2004 and my son wasn't born until 2007. So I showed him a picture, he said that's him. Leaving it at that.


Frugal Family FunFrugal Family Fun Spot has this very nice Kolcraft Contours Classique 3-in-1 Bassinet giveaway. It could be just perfect for someone, but you must hurry!! Ends April 11,2010 at 11:59 P.M. PST Good luck everyone.

Organic GirlToday's Diva Dyson Animal DC 25 up for grabs at Todays Diva. This Giveaway is open to US and Canadians Ends May 18, 2010

WIN a Bounce House at Two Of A Kind, Working On A Full House during her Outdoor Oasis Event! Open to Us Only ends at 11:59pm EST on May 3rd


A wonderful giveaway from Mom Start for a Select Comfort Sleep Number Bed! Ends April 30th 11:59 pm Pacific

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party! 5 Minutes for Mom's style

Hello! New to my site? My name is Jennifer McCullar and I've been blogging since 2008. In March, I began hosting reviews and giveaways on Life Is A SandCastle. I love to meet friends, stay in touch with old friends blogging, and finding the latest family friendly products. I'm married and a proud mom to 2 little boys 3 years and 9 months. We love to fish, campout, and just hanging out together. My ultimate blogging goal is to try to help others even with just a comment. Who knows how far a kind word can go. While your here enter my giveaways located on the left side bar. Thanks for coming by and I can't wait to get to know everyone!

Just a quick note Night Owl Mama & I have teamed up for "MAY TO PLAY." Who are some sponsors we have already GUIDECRAFT, HASBRO & HEARTHSONG. Can't wait to visit your sites and get to know you:)

Ultimate Blog Party! 5 Minutes for Mom's style. Visit and learn what it's about, meet new friends and wonderful prizes.

What is my favorites out of the Fantastic Line up?
My top three picks are:

**GRAND PRIZE at the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 is a Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025**
US1 – Win a $150 shopping spree at Pedal Cars and Retro Collectibles.
US75 – $100 Gift Certificate to

& then

US101 – One lucky winner will get this $450 Human Touch Foot and Calf Massager
USC 60 – For one winner a $200 gift certificate for any Wall Slicks
US112 – $50 Amazon Gift card
USC 3 – A $50.00 Target Gift Card.
USC 8 – $55 E-Gift Card for Gift code
USC 13 – $100 gift certificate to Kay Jewelers
US63 – One lucky winner will receive a Razor® Rip Rider™ 360
US19- Hasbro-Playskool
US31 – A $20 Amazon gift certificate.
US52 – A $25 GC to
US55 – A $20 GC to
US56 – 12″ x 24″ Custom, hand~painted gallery style canvas
US58 – A $50 online gift certificate redeemable at Costumes Inc.
US61 – Win a $25 e-gift certificate to Toys-R-Us
US74 - We will give away 2 (1 for each winner) – $30 Amazon gift cards
US87 – 2 winners will receive a $30.00 Amazon Gift Certificate.
USC 43 – Prize value: $100. 3 meal time plate sets – Olive Kids Direct, LLC
US5 – Baking Magic for Kids
US40- 3 day 2 night stay from Holiday Inn Main Gate East in Kissimmee, FL

Friday Follow #13

Just a quick announcement Night Owl Mama & I have teamed up for "MAY TO PLAY." Who are some sponsors we have already Guidecraft, HASBRO & HEARTHSONG. Can't wait to visit your sites and get to know you:)

Thanks to Our Wonderful Sponsor

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Follow Hosts One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!

Friday Follow

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

We're so excited to announce our First Sponsor of Friday Follow. Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Snorg Tees Giveaway ~closed~

I love a shirt that make an expression and stand out, that's exactly what Snorg Tees does. You know the shirt that you've got to notice. The best part is Snorg Tees have a large assortment of topics to cover everyone shirt preference. Snorg Tees are available to women, men and children and even have hoodies.

We had the opportunity to review the Kids Rawr Means I Love You shirt. My son just loves dinosaurs and had to put it on immediately. Just like the sizing advises it does run small in size. My son wears size 4 shirt and so I order a size 6. It fits perfect. The shirt is 100% Super Soft Cotton. It consists of a nice texture. After wahing and drying it contained it's size and shape:) I love all the fun and fresh shirt designs. Keep up with all Snorg Tees latest design releases on facebook

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern April 30, 2010
Open US/ Canada/ International & winner has 48 hrs to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Thanks to Snorg Tees for sponsoring this giveaway for t-shirt of your choice.
The first mandatory entry is to visit Snorg Tees and tell me what you will purchase with link to the product you would like.

Entry should look something like this:

Zombies Hate Fast Food shirt @


Zombies Hate fast food shirt, Blue in color, man running and zombies behind".

******EXTRA ENTRIES***********

*Blog about the giveaway linking Snorg Tees & Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
*Follow @Snorgtees & @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet(2 times per day)
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter Night Owl Mama giveaways one entry for each you enter.

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by Snorg Tees & I received a Child's shirt to review. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fantasy Jewelry Box Winner

Just drew the winner for $35 certificate to Fantasy Jewelry Box giveaway. Just a update the will be another review/giveaway posted tomorrow. Plus the May to Play Event:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Easter

5 Minutes For Mom sign up and sahre your Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Women in the Boat #3

Skipping ahead in some fishing stories to get this experience out. The fishing pond below my old home place and where my parents live. Get this some sorry person threw a needle out and my 3 year old son and mom found it....

What could have been in that thing, could it be contaminated, who in their right mine would throw one out anyways. Dispose properly, so I come to this conclusion. It must be a drug needle, because I just don't see someone in their right mind throwing their needle out where kids could get it.

Seriously this makes me so sad, it was the last place I would have ever expect this. I guess no where is safe anymore. A side from that we had a nice afternoon fishing, oh and my son and I caught the most white perch "sorry to my husband" :) Got to love grandma & pa for helping with the boys.

Last Minute Entries

This is just a reminder to get entries in for the $35 Fantasy Jewelry Box Giveaway by April 7, 2010 @ 11:59pm eastern time. Good luck everyone!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter & Colored Chicks


Ever had the urge to get a blue or pink colored chick/duck or rabbit at Easter? We went to the local feed and seed store and there were the cutest little colored chicks. I had the strong urge to get one for my kids. Chicks, rabbits, ducks, little goats, & ponies, I was ready to start a farm. Then I came to my senses, the costs of being a responsible pet owner. Buying food, housing, animal necessities made me say they are cute and walked along.

3 years ago, after the color was gone and the ducks were getting to big to keep a family member asked if we would take them. They do grow up, they do get messy, they do cost, and important they can infect with Salmonella bacteria. Think twice:)

I also learned some eggs are injected with coloring, to make the chicks different colors. If you would like to learn more visit the CDC Website @

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday Follow #12

Just a quick announcement Night Owl Mama & I have teamed up for "MAY TO PLAY." Who are some sponsors we have already HASBRO & HEARTHSONG. Can't wait to visit your sites and get to know you:)

Thanks to the Sponsor

Thank you to our wonderful Friday Follow Hosts One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!

Friday Follow

Welcome to a SPECIAL edition of Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.

We're so excited to announce our First Sponsor of Friday Follow. Please grab BOTH buttons after linking up. By grabbing our sponsor button you help us to promote this new venture and keep Friday Follow going strong for everyone.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:

--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.

--Grab the Friday Follow and Sponsor buttons and include both on your Friday Follow blog post.

--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.

--Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like.

--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone, including ourselves, may not be able to follow every blog. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

MckLinky Blog Hop