Monday, February 22, 2010


Noticed all these nice little Business2Blogger buttons popping up. I'm giving it a chance. Who would not want the opportunity to catch hard to find blogging-for-profit opportunities?

maximum of 1 email per day containing paid blogging opportunities? Sounds Easy! Lets see how it goes then I will post more. If you interested here are a few details @

NOTICE: Business owners, they have Free Service for you also. Check it out.

Business 2 Blogger

Business 2 Blogger


  1. I'm giving it a try also!
    I'm a new follower from Friday Follow and would love to have you stop by

  2. I seen that also! I'm going to try it as well:) I'm also a new follower from Friday Follow as well!!

  3. I'm signed up and after OH GOSH I don't know how many emails I got lucky that yesterday's email showed up just minutes after logging in.

    I was able to put in for my first OP. SO Exciting. Can't wait to hear back SO Far Nothing.
