Friday, June 4, 2010

Featured Friday 3

This week I'm running in behind but, I want to give recognition to 3 of my favorite blogs. I fell alseep, getting the kids to sleep:) Each week I will name 3 special sites to visit. These sites contain ladies of wisdom, tips, fun, content and old fashion hospitality I like to visit.

Following on facebook or twitter also, you will be glad you did.

The Chronicles of a Veteran Kindergarten Teacher
Family Ties and Growing Pains
Night Owl Mama

That's this week 3 can't wait til next weeks Featured Friday 3


  1. I already follow the Veteran Kinder. Teacher--will check out the other two! Thank you!!:)

  2. Hi, you are awesome!thanks for featuring my blog!
    I have been so behind on life,just had my baby a week ago and my world has spun upside down and around.
