Thursday, August 19, 2010

So funny! must read! & Friday Following

Let me share this story of a man in my husband family. 88 years with Alzheimer disease, weigh about 95 to 110 Ibs., wearing overalls sitting there at the little fruit stand by his house, he sees something heading toward him. He thought well an animal was hit by a car and is dragging across the road. The animal is in fact an alligator, measuring around 3 1/2 foot. He said it came over and layed next to him, and when he seen it close it's eyes, this little old man beats it with his cane.

His wife and another family member comes home and he tells them they need to drag the gator off he killed. They laugh at him and just figures the Alzheimer disease has kicked in. The joke was on them when they came across the gator layed out. Another man goes with a stick to tap the gator and it jumps at him with it's mouth open.

I'm sure what they did with the gator. I know that is one gator that does not want to mess with that 88 year man with a cane. The man said well when he would spit tobacco it would jump knocking his can and he's give it another whack and it finally it left his can alone, so he thought it had died. His wife told me about it on the phone tonight. She said, the joke was on her she thought he was just talking out of his mind.


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Xenia at Thanks, Mail Carrier

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Simply Stacie & My Wee View Are wonderful bloggers & hosts for Fun Follow Friday, have fun, link up, and blog hop.


  1. Funny alligator story. I liked it. My grandpa died of Alzheimer, it really isn't far from the truth of what they will come up with!

    Following from the blog hop! Nice meeting ya!

  2. I am following you thanks to Friendly Friday!It would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog!
    Also we have the coolest blog-hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in:) Oh and if you need any blog help or easy HTML tips, you know where to come! Happy Friday!

  3. Hi! I am a new follower from Friendly Friday, so glad to have found your awesome blog and I look forward to reading more of your lovely posts. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. thanks for the hop!
    i am a follower GFC and FB
    i'd love you to follow back :)

    thank you!

  5. That's a funny story. That old guy must pack quite a wallop with his cane! I'm a follower.

  6. That's crazy! I imagine everyone else was pretty shocked when they went out and found an actual alligator sitting there!

    As always, thanks so much for your Friendly Friday support, it's much appreciated! :)
