Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blogging Character - Thank You

I want to give a special thanks to some great ladies who reached out to me in a moment of emotional heartbreak and your kind words touched my heart. Thank you being so considerate, showing true blogger friendship spirit, and each one is truly of exceptional character. 

Gem from Sage and Savy

Tricia from Night Owl Mama


  1. Awww that is very kind of you, it's amazing the friendships you can make without meeting.....hugs and thank you!

  2. Jennifer you never have to thank me for being a friend. When you hurt we all feel it. HUGS sweetie. Hope the family is well.

    It's never easy to lose a friend. Prayers

  3. You don't have to say thank you. We are all here to support each other- it's what friends, do!
    Love and hugs to you and yours!
    Have Sippy Will Travel

  4. I have passed the 'One Lovely Blog Award' to you! To accept it just visit here...
