Sunday, September 5, 2010

I knew it had to go someday.....

First yard sale I've had in years and it was perfect weather. The cooler weather from the storm moving up the east coast. Time with my mom, little a break from home & kids, and meet some interesting people. I made a little spending cash and cleared out a lot of clutter.

When the bassinet was bought, I almost cried. It was the first thing my baby slept in, with his apnea monitor and blue light for jaundice. I did sell the exerciser trampoline that sent my son to the ER good residence to it. It  was real emotion saying good bye to my children baby items, I've been hanging on to them, and my husband told me you need to let them go your cluttering the house and becoming a hoarder. I knew it had to go someday......


  1. I need to start clearing up my clutter too, it is getting bad! I am not organized enough to do a yard sale though. Thats the problem though right?

  2. that's so hard I know the feeling. I too hope to get a yard sale up this week HOPEFULLY --> I need to clean things out around here too. Talk about a hoarder!! I so wanted to watch that tonight too
