Monday, November 15, 2010

Debate over play kitchen?

My son thinks he is a chef and loves to help me cook. I bought him an apron bright orange with a frog on it. The other night I found an amazing kids kitchen, I'm planning to buy it for Christmas for my boys. My husband weighs in and says that is for girls and tells me we are not getting the kitchen. My husband also does not like the tea party set I got for my son.

Why can't he pretend just like his favorite cartoons characters and have tea parties. Some famous chefs are men, just look at the Food Network Channel. My uncle played with kitchens and a doll when he was 6 years old. He growed up to play football, join the army for 2 tours, and now a deputy sheriff with 4 children.

Who knows one of them could grow up to be a famous chef, but one thing for sure they will grow up knowing how to cook.

I would love to know other people opinions on a play kitchen for boys.


  1. My toddler boy loves to play with his big sister's play kitchen. It's more of a cabinet than a kitchen, but he thinks it's perfect to pretend cutting food, etc. The kids also have a little grill that we got as a hand-me-down, which he drags from room to room. Learning to cook is a life skill!

  2. It is important for boys to play with kitchens just as girls. It teaches them a lot! There are so many out there as well. I say get him a kitchen, it's great for so many reasons.

  3. I agree completely. You should get it for him if he is interested in it! Its a lot of fun for a boy or girl.

  4. My brother in law is the same way. He doesn't think boys should play with kitchens or easy bake ovens. I told him that most great chefs are men so to learn how to deal with it. I think you should get it for them.

  5. I totally think you should get it for him, if this is something he enjoys. Otherwise it sends a message to him that his interests are "wrong". There is nothing wrong with a boy that enjoys cooking, as you said there are famous male chefs out there, such as Rocco Despirito, Jamie Oliver, Rick Bayless, etc. You never know, he might grow up to a celebrity chef with his own show. I think your husband might not mind as much if that happened!

  6. If it was a daughter men would not mind if daddy's girl wanted to go hunting, fishing, work on cars, etc..

  7. My son is 4 and has an older sister so he gets the benefits of all sorts of toys.

    I love seeing him hugging a baby doll. If we want boys to grow up to be good fathers, why not let them practice?

    My vote is that you get the kitchen, but not at the expense of peace in your home... I'd try to convince your husband and hope he comes around. Kids are supposed to play by acting what they see us doing!

    Maybe you could bring up baby dolls as possible presents and see if your husband jumps at the kitchen! lol...

  8. Kitchens are definitely okay for boys AND girls! Isn't it sexist to say that only women (girls) should be in the kitchen? LOL (No I'm not that worried about it but I would totally get on my husband.)

  9. We are currently having the same debate in our home! My almost 5 yr old LOVES to cook, but dad thinks a play kitchen is just too much.

    This debate will definitely be continued....

    Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks


  10. It's so sad how most men are SO afraid of homosexuality. I in NO way think that your child having an interest in cooking is a sign that he is 'homosexual' but that is obviously what many men are afraid of when their sons play with baby dolls or play kitchens.

    and honestly, if your child is gay, then he will be gay regardless of whether or not you buy him a toy kitchen. If he's not gay,then buying him a play kitchen won't 'make' him gay. So why stress?

  11. I think it's perfectly natural - and normal - for both boys and girls to experiment with both masculine and feminine toys and roles as they develop their gender identity. It's often the parents' or society's views that are unhealthy and unnatural in that regard! I don't think it has anything to do with sexual orientation, for example (and if it does, there's nothing wrong with that), so allowing your kids to express themselves and to discover who they are without putting any unnecessary restraints on them is the best thing any parent can do in my opinion.

  12. It's my belief that if it doesn't hurt them, don't make a big battle out of it. If he wants a kitchen, I say go for it.
