Monday, December 20, 2010

Salt Dough Ornaments Craft - So Easy

I looked up the recipe for Salt Dough Ornaments Craft at All Recipes. I thought, sounds cool so I texted my best friend an ask if she would like to bring her son over to work on ornaments. Yesterday, we followed the instructions for mixing the dough and seen a comment to prevent puffing to drop the temperature to 200 degrees, it took a while longer to cook the ornaments and waiting is the hardest part:)

I have to say the result are amazing and we have plan to make it a tradition to let the boys do this each year. We also had lots of fun doing it too:) We are also planning using these for gifts next year from the boys for aunts and uncles, grandma & grandpa. I'm going to add a picture of the boys in one I baked, add a date and have a great keepsake too.


  1. I was over at Have Sippy Will Travel and saw her post about your salt dough ornaments. I came by to see them and they are very cute!

    My children and I use to make salt dough ornaments and tie them to a cookie plate or cheese ball plate we made for others. My children are now 30 and 28 and they still fondly remember making these. In fact some of them are now hanging on their trees. Not only are you making are making memories

  2. i made these last year and i don't know what i did wrong but no matter how long i cooked them they couldn't get super hard.

    i'll try again since the recipe was successful for you

  3. Love it. We are going to make these with the daycare kiddos for their parents. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I used to love doing those as a kid!
    Good memory.

    Love to you
    I've Become My Mother

  5. Love the butterfly ornament - very pretty. We are making some of these ourselves this year - should be fun.
