Monday, December 27, 2010

Strep Christmas & Tree to Ground

Strep took over our Christmas. I noticed my son running a fever and I gave him meds. Fever not high went up and down. Next, fever hit me and I had chills and I thought it must be the flu, but my throat felt like it had razor blades in it. I asked my son if his throat hurt and he said no. Then I noticed him spitting in the bathroom. We went to sleep and the next morning my husband and mom kept the little one and I carried the oldest to the ER.

Christmas Eve Morning in the ER with my son and the test was positive for Strep.  My son was sluggish, moody, and not eating much. The doctor said his throat was a little red and give him antibiotics. By this time my voice was muffled and barely able to talk, terrible headache, and sore neck.

We made it home and my son was going like it wasn't bothering him, but it knock me flat on my butt. Sleeping the day away and cancelled all plans. Told all visitors they should make other plans too.

Christmas Day 7:30 am:
The boys were wide open and really had a great time. I struggled to make it through present opening and a little play. I told my husband sorry got to lay down around 9:00am and next thing I knew it was 12:00pm. I had not even prepared any food. I jumped up and pulled a dinner together and then back to bed. 

I keep hoping maybe the baby will not get it. I also been fighting with my son to take his meds. He fought so I've been adding to his drink. I hope next Christmas is a lot better.

Tree Update:
Santa fixed our tree!! Then the tree made it though opening of presents, but did not make it past that.


  1. It is such a bummer to be sick on Christmas. Women are so resilient as they can be sick as a dog but jump up to make sure everyone has something fixed to eat.
    Get better soon.

  2. Sorry to hear you were so sick.

    Poor tree, but on a happy note I see your boys got a play kitchen!!! Woohoo!
