Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who are they to say: You can't have your mommy

(continued) My son was still crying about his dentist experience after he woke up yesterday. (Mama you wasn't there, cry cry.) It was a scary event for him. He opens up and tells me they just put him in a blanket and he told them he wanted his mama. He said they told him he could not have his mommy. Who are they to say: You can't have your mommy!!

He said they did try to explain anything they just wrapped him up and poked a jack in his mouth. Could you just imagine he had to be terrified and then being told you can not have your mommy. When in fact they could have come got me. My son probably did fight, if they did not explain, and I believe my son. He also probably fought anyhow because he was scared. The point of it, they did not come get me.
"I even explained to nurse he had never been away from me, ever. Get me if he needs me!!" She said ok.

I tried to call the office to have a talk yesterday, but my house phone would not call through long distance and my cell was left in my husband car. If we go back, I will be in the room. I'm also looking to see if I can find another dentist that will be covered.


  1. If there are doctors-for-children (pediatrician), I'm sure there are dentist-for-children too. Maybe you have to ask his pediatrician if they can recommend GOOD dentists who specialize in children, who have a lot of experiences with little children, who will say the right words to soothe a child, who have already anticipated every child's reaction and know how to deal with them, who will go to the extent of wearing clown-noses just to give children much better experience,...
    I just think there are less traumatic ways of dealing with the dentist.

  2. Having had slightly traumatic experiences with the dentist as a kid, that leave me panicked any time I have to go to the dentist, I highly recommend you find another dentist who will let you be with him. I'm sorry, but that was the dentist's fault. Any dentist I have gone to that knows how to deal with kids of any age has a chair right there for the parent to sit on, or have even let me sit in the reclining chair with my kid. Find a new dentist who will treat you and your child fairly!

    I'm so sorry that you and your son had to go through this. .

  3. They shouldn't have ever said anything like that. I still can't believe what that dentist office did. I would march right in there and demand to speak to whoever runs the place and explain to them that because of their practices not only was your child hurt and probably didn't have enough numbing solution but practically traumatized as if he'd been kidnapped and harmed.

    If anything they would know that you are one Momma not to mess with and the next time they'd better go get you or set you up a private room so you could be there on the spot!

    I hope your lil guy is okay. lots of love.

  4. The sad part is it is a special child dentistry, for the care of adolescents. I have a copy of the paper work and I believe they skips steps that were suppose to be taken in caring for my son sccording to their Behavior Modifacation Procedures.

  5. That's so sad. I've experienced a couple dentists (actually the assistants mainly) who tried to get me to leave the room. I wouldn't budge. I know they were annoyed but I was ready to walk out if they didn't let me stay. My son has had various issues with his teeth so we've been to a lot of dentists. I've found that the ones that specialize in children to be some of the worst (in terms of wanting Mom out of the room). I'm sorry you and your son had to go through that experience. I second the advice to find a new dentist.

  6. That would make me so angry! >:( Poor boy! :(

  7. How horrible! I completely agree with Manda..Only I would NEVER go back and I would turn them in! I live in WA and have NEVER experienced any thing horrific at the dentist's. I also have 3 children that go regulary and have never had any problems either. Sometimes there is a little bit of discomfort but pediatric dentist's know how to soothe and interact with the kids. Good luck :) Hope he starts feeling better! Maybe if you find a new dentist for him they would let you take a tour before his first visit, might not be so scary for him the next time.

  8. find someone you like, that's the main thing. our dentist never makes me leave Little Man, ever ever. There is stuff you can do to help his teeth, too- if you have him rinse with mouthwash a few times a day, and give him half water half juice in his sippy. Little is a big drinker too, and that has been really helpful to know for us. It may help cut back on procedures.
