Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 2/16

Weather is beautiful here, lots of time spent outside.
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  1. We have had BEAUTIFUL weather where I am and I have been loving the time spent outside! Today we have rain though.

    Your kids look so happy in the sun shiny weather :)

    Happy WW!

  2. Weather has been in the 50's here and then back down to cold again. Strange stuff!

  3. cute picture I am so ready for some better weather...

  4. I'm wishing for nice weather! Great pix!

  5. I miss nice weather! We still have snow everywhere, but at least its not freezing out!

  6. YAY for warm, outside playing weather! :) Its been near or over 70 for several days now and I just saw its gonna stay that way for at least the next 10 days!

  7. I'm so jealous!! I'm freezing my tushy off here. I think we may get to 50 tomorrow SO fingers crossed. ENJOY your days

  8. So nice!! It is finally getting warmer here, but now we have tons of mud and slush. Not fun to play in. Happy Wed!

  9. I am so thankful for this warmer weather!

  10. You are so lucky that your weather is turning already! They're so cute!

  11. Our weather is supposed to finally warm up this weekend and we cannot wait!!! Those are lovely photos! Happy Wed!
