Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Black Shard Holiday Giveaway

Following up from the novel The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox is the sequel The Black Shard. Reuniting Kristina with old friends back in the magical land of Bernovem. Prince Werrien becomes fascinated with an unusual seeing stone, the “Black Shard”, Kristina is haunted by a ghostlike old hag.

Check out information from the first series The Magic Warble and follow on facebook.

Win a signed copy of The Black Shard!

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern December 4, 2011. Open US winner has 2 days to respond to my email. Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Just tell me a fact from The Black Shard or about author.

*Have you already read The Magic Warble?
*Follow both my blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each)
*Blog about the giveaway-leave your link (5entries)
*Follow @VictoriaSimcox @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet (1 time per day)
"#win signed copy of The Black Shard book #giveaway @VictoriaSimcox @lifesandcastle #win ends 12/04"
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter The Night Owl Mama or giveaways on my site- one entry for each you enter.
*Add this giveaway to a contest linky & leave link (3 entries each link, up to 3contest listings)
*Give this post a google+1 (1 entry)

*Give me a Klout +K (1 k per day, daily)
*Stumble Life Is A SandCastle Blog

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by Company or PR. I did not received a product to review. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.


Amy W. said...

The book starts out with Kristina having a horrible time at summer camp. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I haven't read the Magic Warble yet, but I have it put up for my daughter for Christmas and would love to win the sequel to give to her as well. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I stumbled Life is a Sandcastle. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

email subscriber 1 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

email subscriber 2 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Totino's giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Hip Hugger giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

gfc follower 1 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

gfc follower 2 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

gfc follower 3 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

gfc follower 5 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Victoria Simcox gfc follower 1 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Simcox gfc follower 2 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Simcox gfc follower 3 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Simcox gfc follower 4 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Simcox gfc follower 5 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Kidtoons giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Jaime Nicole said...

The author lives in Western Washington and was born in Canada!

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Life is a Sandcastle on GFC as jsweeps318

Entry 1

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Life is a Sandcastle on GFC as jsweeps318

Entry 2

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Life is a Sandcastle on GFC as jsweeps318

Entry 3

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Life is a Sandcastle on GFC as jsweeps318

Entry 4

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Life is a Sandcastle on GFC as jsweeps318

Entry 5

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Victoria's blog as jsweeps319

Entry 1

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Victoria's blog as jsweeps319

Entry 2

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Victoria's blog as jsweeps319

Entry 3

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Victoria's blog as jsweeps319

Entry 4

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow Victoria's blog as jsweeps319

Entry 5

Jaime Nicole said...

I follow you and Victoria on twitter and tweeted:!/kidliterati/status/132877426647760896

Jaime Nicole said...

I subscribe by email.

Entry 1

Jaime Nicole said...

I subscribe by email.

Entry 2

Jaime Nicole said...

I Google +1ed this post.

missreneer said...

Victoria was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

Amy W. said...

I entered the General Mills giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following your blog with GFC

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following Victoria's blog with GFC (missreneer)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following Victoria's blog with GFC (missreneer)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following Victoria's blog with GFC (missreneer)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following Victoria's blog with GFC (missreneer)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


missreneer said...

I am following Victoria's blog with GFC (missreneer)

fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

the author is from canada
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Amy W. said...

I entered the Mr. Biggs giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

eclairre said...

The author is Canadian. gfc

karenmed409 said...

Victoria is a home-schooling mother of twelve years and an elementary school art teacher of eleven years

karenmed409 said...

follow Victoria Simcox's Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

2 follow Victoria Simcox's Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

3 follow Victoria Simcox's Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

4 follow Victoria Simcox's Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

5 follow Victoria Simcox's Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

follow your Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

2 follow your Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

3 follow your Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

4 follow your Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

5 follow your Blog GFC-karenmed409

karenmed409 said...

Give this post a google+1

karenmed409 said...

Give you a Klout +K today

karenmed409 said...

following both on twitter-gummasplace

karenmed409 said...

entered the Thomas & Friends TrackMaster Cranky & Flynn Giveaway

karenmed409 said...

entered Mr. Biggs in the City Giveaway

karenmed409 said...

entered the General Mills and Dc Comic Books Giveaway over at Night Owl Mama

Amy W. said...

I entered the Beethoven giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Beethoven giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Beethoven giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Hexbug giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

karenmed409 said...

gave klout today

karenmed409 said...


karenmed409 said...

entered the HEX BUG Nano giveaway over at night owl mama

Amy W. said...

I entered the Harry Potter giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Pokemon giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Kroger giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

karenmed409 said...


karenmed409 said...

daily klout today

karenmed409 said...

Entered the Doubled side Magnetic from Learning Resource Giveaway

Amy W. said...

I entered the Magnetic Numbers giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

karenmed409 said...

entered the Pokemon Giveaway

karenmed409 said...


karenmed409 said...

gave daily klout today

karenmed409 said...


karenmed409 said...

gave daily klout today

karenmed409 said...

entered Tricia's Mattel giveaway

Amy W. said...

I entered the Hotwheels giveaway at NIght Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Funrise giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

karenmed409 said...


karenmed409 said...

gave daily klout today

karenmed409 said...

Entered the Funrise Giveaway

karenmed409 said...


Anonymous said...

I haven't yet read it, but I want to.

I follow both yor blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each) - Carolsue #1

Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I haven't yet read it, but I want to.

I follow both yor blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each) - Carolsue #2

Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I haven't yet read it, but I want to.

I follow both yor blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each) - Carolsue #3

Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I haven't yet read it, but I want to.

I follow both yor blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each) - Carolsue #4

Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I haven't yet read it, but I want to.

I follow both yor blog & Victoria's Website Google Friend Connect. (5 entries each) - Carolsue #5

Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your newsletter via e-mail. #1
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your newsletter via e-mail. #2
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Anonymous said...

I follow @VictoriaSimcox @lifesandcastle on twitter (MsCarolsueA) and I tweeted:!/MsCarolsueA/status/138501572345864193
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

karenmed409 said...


Amy W. said...

I entered the Busy Town giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Gourmet Gift Baskets giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Kerfluffle giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

karenmed409 said...


Amy W. said...

I entered the Carmex giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the White Castle giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Spy Kids giveaway . cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Cheerios giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Prep and Landing giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Hormel giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Ugly Sofa giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the French Toast giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Energizer giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Glowberry Bears giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Smart Step Home giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the NCircle giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

jenzen69 said...

She has pets named Pipsy, Frodo and Fritz

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower 3

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower 4

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower 5

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower of Victoria's website

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower of Victoria's website 2

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower of Victoria's website 3

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower of Victoria's website 4

jenzen69 said...

gfc follower of Victoria's website 5

jenzen69 said...

twitter follower of both/tweet!/jenzen69/status/143106952539541505

jenzen69 said...

email subscriber

jenzen69 said...

email subscriber

jenzen69 said...

entered natl geographic elephant toy

jenzen69 said...

entered kerfluffle at Night Owl Mama

jenzen69 said...

entered prep and landing at Night Owl Mama

jenzen69 said...

entered white castle at Night Owl Mama

jenzen69 said...

entered energizer at Night Owl Mama

jenzen69 said...

entered glowberry at Night Owl Mama

jenzen69 said...

klout k+!/jenzen69/status/143086346909655040

jenzen69 said...


jenzen69 said...


jenzen69 said...

linky 3

jenzen69 said...

linky #138

jenzen69 said...

linky #138 2

jenzen69 said...

linky #138 3

jenzen69 said...

linky #162

jenzen69 said...

linky #162 2

jenzen69 said...

linky #162 3
jenzen69atyahoodotcom said...

The author lives in Western Washington
Diane Baum

jenzen69 said...

entered ncircle ent

daveshir2005 said...

Victoria wa born in scarborough ontario canada.

daveshir2005 said...

gfc follower daveshir2005


daveshir2005 said...

gfc follower daveshir2005


daveshir2005 said...

gfc follower davehsir2005


daveshir2005 said...

gfc follower daveshir2005


daveshir2005 said...

gfc follower daveshir2005


daveshir2005 said...

+1'd the post as shirley pebbles

Anonymous said...

Victoria was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father

Anonymous said...

i follow you via GFC Entry 1


Anonymous said...

i follow you via GFC Entry 2


Anonymous said...

i follow you via GFC Entry 3


Anonymous said...

i follow you via GFC Entry 4


Anonymous said...

i follow you via GFC Entry 5


Anonymous said...

i follow Victoria via GFC Entry 1


Anonymous said...

i follow Victoria via GFC Entry 2


Anonymous said...

i follow Victoria via GFC Entry 3


Anonymous said...

i follow Victoria via GFC Entry 4


Anonymous said...

i follow Victoria via GFC Entry 5


Anonymous said...

i follow you both on twitter


Anonymous said...

i'm an email subscriber entry 1

Anonymous said...

i'm an email subscriber entry 2

Anonymous said...

i clicked the +1 button

Anonymous said...

Her chihuahua is named Pipsy!

Candie L said...

I learned the author was born in Canada. Thank you


Anonymous said...

She enjoys managing her two older children's Celtic band.

Anonymous said...

She enjoys managing her two older children's Celtic band.

Amy W. said...

I entered the Tidy Books giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Step 2 giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net