Make new friends & gain followers. Please follow host @lifesandcastle @Nightowlmama & @HaveSippy we will follow back. If you don't mind please retweet/share so we can all gain more friends and participates:) Follow & follow back if someone follows you. Lets help each other.
Check your links & correct yourself if there is a problem.
Do not add http:// in url space
Use Just Unfollow on twitter for non followers
I'm following everyone above! I listed my Google+ Fan page (Eighty MPH Mom), but might be following you from my Jennifer Regan account (just fYI). I'm still trying to figure out how to follow you from my Eighty MPH Mom page :)
ReplyDeletePosted my Google+ fan page (Lucky Angel....) but follow everyone as Yuliya Sh
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ReplyDeleteI posted all three of my social media pages above (3 Kids plus Us). I'm still trying to figure out the whole google+ thing, but I'll get the hang of it. This is such a great idea to give people to gain more followers.
ReplyDeleteI just added this 3 in 1 and your Wordless Wednesday to the list of linkies at Link Rink.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this! I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!