Saturday, August 25, 2012

Do you rename your kids food?

Our little picky eater will eat gross sounding things. My 3yr son will eat eggs when we call them witch eggs. My son will eat Asparagus called "bull frog legs." Like green beans, when we call them frog legs. Anything gross sounding or looks gross he likes, we name all the food different names. It's a special treat for him if I mix green coloring in to food to look like slim or red food coloring in it for blood.

I know the they'll eat when they are ready but, I like family meals at the table. I remember that in order to get me to eat peas my mom called them wolves and I would eat them. Do you rename your food to get the little ones to eat?


  1. When my youngest son was around 4 he called broccoli "trees", mac and cheese were "smiles" and black olives were called "wheels". He named them all.

  2. We haven't done that, but I am going to have to try that! Our boys are picky too. Thanks for this post!

  3. When I was a kid, my Mom called liver "meat sticks" and I ate it right up. I still like it to this day, even though I know what it actually is. The only thing we've really named for our daughter is "Grandma's toast" which is just whole wheat toast with peanut butter. It seems easier to get her to eat things if we tell her who else likes those foods in our family, or that monkeys like bananas.

  4. We haven't done it routinely. But, Vienna sausages are "meats" for some reason. And, my mother was the first to give my daughter graham crackers so she calls them "Mimi house crackers."

  5. My son calls avocados, green dinosaur eggs.

    sheilatf52 at yahoo dot com

  6. We don't really need to call any foods anything different. We just have to spell out words for desserts!
