As a mom to two boys, clothes get passed down to the youngest. So in order to get better looking dark hand me downs, Woolite® Extra Dark Care is saving money in the long run with not having to buy new clothes. Little boys seem to be the roughest on their jeans and especially the fading in the knee area. I can't stand my little one's clothes looking old and wore. I want them to look their best and will keep my dark's dark and long live your jeans.
I'm interested in preserving our clothes and so are other parents. While participating in an exclusive Woolite® Extra Dark Care sampling and vie to become America's Next Top Wooliteer and Crowdtap, I decided the best way to share 11 Woolite samples with families like mine. I handed the 10 samples out at a kids birthday party. Moms get a present and extend the life of their family jeans. This turned out very positive cause after the cake and ice cream spills, they could try the product right away:) "If they didn't already have Woolite at home."
I used one sample here and the last sample went to my mail lady. She is beyond awesome and brings mail to my door instead of blowing her horn like some. She knows I have little ones and she is considerate.
Disclosure: Samples of Woolite Extra Dark Care was sent to my family by Crowdtap as a Woolite Insider. I've shared samples with friend and family.
Thanks for he review. I should try it