Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Last Day of Chemo and a Scar

Yesterday was my mom's last day of chemo. She has made it through with only a couple of sick spells. Back 2 weeks ago when my son was in the hospital she had pneumonia and was sick then too. She said I could share her cancer scar so I'm adding to another page because it's the picture after surgery. Her cancer was around 8cm long and the surgery lasted around 8 hours. The upper part right lobe was removed.

Since this we are even more closer and try to spend every minute we can together. You know we are never promised tomorrow.

She asked me too warn people of smoking. 


  1. At the doctor's office today they had a picture book for kids about smoking and lungs. It was quite in depth and my 4 year old loved it.

    I am praying for your mom and you!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear! It took years to get my husband to stop smoking, and even then he did it behind my back. Now he has switched to electronic cigarettes and I'm so thankful. Cancer hurts so many people. I am so glad you still have her and you recognize your precious time with each other.

  3. Glad to hear that she is finishing her last treatment I pray that the cancer will be in remission.

  4. I am so glad that your mother's chemo is over. Our family has been impacted by cancer too, and it is not easy to share those stories. Thank you for sharing your mother's.
