Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Don't Light Up!

Today my mom just had a second Pet Scan. Please don't light anything up! I hope every bit of the cancer was removed with the partial lung removal surgery and that it is nowhere else. If any cells were floating the chemo killed them and keep them from my mom.

I know this is something that she will have to have regularly, but it's scary. Not the scan itself, just knowing there is a chance of the monster (Cancer) rearing it's head again. Cross your fingers for my mom's fight and hope she comes out on top in this battle.

I've always been proud of my mom and even more proud of her now.


  1. Hi there, I am a regular reader but I don't usually comment. Just wanted to say that I am thinking of your mom and you. I lost my dad on December 10th, 2011 to lung cancer. I am all too familiar with what we called "scanxiety". Crossing my fingers that your mom comes out on top!


  2. Madelyn, I have a whole new understanding for anyone with cancer than I had before. Sorry about your dad's fight. Your comment & thoughts mean alot to us. My mom is thankful for all positive prayers and thoughts. It amazes her with the support in the blog community. :) Thanks,

  3. Prayers for you and your family during this time! No worries, I will never light up!

  4. Prayers going up for your Mom and May God Heal her and rid her of this horrible cancer.

  5. Thinking of you and your family--sending hope and good wishes.
