Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pep is growing

Somebody is growing and has a peppy attitude. Pep loves to cuddle with people and stuffed animals. He is the only puppy out of the litter of 8 that made it. We feed him goat milk bottles. Now he eats food and Monday he will be six weeks old. 

I've been trying not to get attached but, I notice I'm playing with him when the kids are a sleep. 2:30 am is the time he wants out to go to the bathroom. He follows me around tugging at my pants leg.


  1. Awwwww. Pep is the cutest! My Jack Russell had four puppies and we kept the Runt of the litter. She is now 14 years old. We had a special bond because I had to bottle feed her.

  2. Lemme just duplicate the AWWWWWW!

  3. Oh, he is absolutely precious! What an adorable puppy!

  4. Oh how sweet he is. It's too easy to become attached especially when they're puppies and so adorable

  5. Pep is adorable. My sister in law has Jack Russells and a few months ago the female had a little. The pups are so cute.
    Love your little Pep.

  6. OMGosh what a cute puppy! makes me wanna run out and get one RIGHT NOW!

  7. What a cutie! I also love playing with my dog at night when everyone else is asleep! :)

  8. Aww, what a cutie!! We've been thinking about getting another dog after our lab passed away. It's been 2 yrs, I think it's time. I really miss having a pet.

  9. OMG, so so precious. He's a little survivor wouldn't you say. Just how in the world are you NOT getting attached to that sweet furry friend? So wish I could take him but not in the position at the moment. I have a feeling Pep has found his home and you just haven't come to terms with it, lol. Please keep us posted as to what is happening with Pep, please. Will your kids have a problem seeing him go? Just love the pics you are posting. Melts my heart.

  10. That is the most adorable little baby! How could you not get attached? I took one look at him and I want him!!

    Kimberley Meier
    momof3chaos at gmail dot com

  11. Oh my heck! Pep is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  12. What a darling puppy and only 6 weeks. Lucky doggy that is going to have a great life!

  13. Pep is so cute! I think it's hilarious that the sheep doll is bigger than him. ;0D
