Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Arlo the Elephant Books Giveaway

Sponsored By: Early Ink Press
The Arlo the Elephant series was created by author, Karisa Lowe. She wanted to introduce kids to new experiences they may encounter in the big world that we live in. Karisa is hoping to help kids and their parents prepare for these situations together, through these fun and practical books. Early Ink Press is an early independent book press that specializes in children's literature. We all know children's literature is the most important and special genres in literature.
Jennifer at Life of a Southern Mom had the pleasure of working with Karisa and Early Ink Press to review Arlo the Elephant books with her boys. Visit her website here to see her full review.
**Giveaway Details**
Date: December 16th – December 29th at 11:59PM EST
Open to US residents only. Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
Prize: One winner will receive (3) books including: Arlo and the Airplane, Arlo goes to the Farmers Market and Arlo goes to the Dentist + Arlo the Elephant Plush Animal.
**How to Enter**
By entering you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions listed on the Entry Form. All winning entries will be verified. Winner will receive an email from Jennifer at and will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Good Luck and thanks for entering!
LOASM Giveaway Disclosure


  1. at this moment their favorite is Twas the night before Christmas

  2. Right now, my grandson's favorite book is Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog.

  3. Right now my daughter is enjoying Nancy Drew mysteries.

  4. My son likes scary stories to tell in the dark.

  5. I love you this much is their favorite

  6. My son likes the Amelia Bedelia books.
    Brittney House

  7. She hasn't been born yet but we are slowly building her book collection already!


  8. No More Monkeys Jumping on The Bed

  9. My favorite children's book is I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.

  10. They both love the Cat in the Hat series right now.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  11. My grandson loves How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You

  12. My sons favorite is I Love You Stinky Face.
