Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Walgreens Prize Pack & $75 GC Giveaway

We're a bit over a week into the New Year. How are your resolutions going? I resolved to ... Listen better and spend more time with family. Pretty simple right.

If yours was to get healthy, I'm helping you with that. We are joining with Drugstore Divas and A Bride On A Budget to give one lucky reader a prize pack from Walgreens and the People's Choice Awards. Walgreens makes it easy for you to keep your health and wellness resolutions all year long. It starts now and #STARTSHERE to have a happy and healthy 2015! The lucky winner will win:
  • $75 Walgreens gift card for your giveaway prize
  • CoverGirl Full Lash Bloom Mascara in Very Black
  • CoverGirl Outlast lip color in Plum Berry
  • Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 BB Crème
  • Pantene Weekly Rehab Crème
  • Crest Whitestrips Professional Effects
  • Crest 3D White Arctic Fresh toothpaste 5.5oz
  • ZzzQuil Liquicaps 24ct.
  • Walgreens Digital Pedometer
  • Contigo Autoseal Grace Water Bottle
  • Reusable Walgreens tote bag
This giveaway starts now and ends at 11:59pm EST on January 18. The winner must be a US resident who is 18 or older. The winner will be contacted via the email address left in the Rafflecopter and will have 24 hours to respond before another winner is selected. The winners entry/entries will be verified.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck. My blog received no compensation for this giveaway and is not responsible for prize fulfillment.


Darlene said...

My resolution is to lose 20 lbs.

Jennifer T. said...

My resolution is to not yell at my kids.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, no resolutions for me this year.

Elaine said...

I have no New Years resolution.

BeckyM said...

My resolution is to work out more often.

Anonymous said...

I don't make New Year's resolutions...If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It :)

Unknown said...

Mine is to invest more time in my family and my friends. To let people know I care.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

to exercise, eat better, and get into better shape mentally and physically

Debra Guillen said...

Mine is to become more physically active in 2015.

robyn paris said...

I am looking to get more organized in my life.

dookiepookiebear said...

mine is to read more and enjoy myself

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to workout 4 days a week to get stronger after so many health and family problems Rosanne

VickieC said...

mine was to drink less diet soda and more water

maryjaco1 said...

I want add my protein to daily food intake and eat less junk food snacks.

Mysharona said...

to write a book

peg42 said...

Mine is to loose weight.

Unknown said...

My resolution is to get my show into schools.

Holly G. said...

I'm going to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet.

Unknown said...

One of my goals is to lose 25 lbs.

Unknown said...

My new years resolutions is to drink more water - shaunie

Lisa Weidknecht said...

To walk more.

Unknown said...

To become a healthier me!

Denise S. said...

My resolution is to go vegan, exercise more and train the darn dog.

Uplifting Families Parenting Advice said...

I am working on improving my health.

slb3334 said...

to finish my degree.

mkjmc said...

I want to do more random acts of kindness

Ann Fantom said...

My New Year's resolution is to volunteer more of my time at my daughter's school and our church because I want to give something back to my community.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

trishadishes said...

This year, I resolve to step out of my comfort zone more often.

nape said...

My resolution is to pick up trash around the neighborhood while I walk the dog.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My resolution is to save more money this year.
Brittney House

Laurie said...

To lose 40 lbs and walk everyday

Unknown said...

My New Years resolution is to learn to knit

Kristi C said...

My resolution is to exercise more and get my heart in better shape.

KrisJ said...

My resolution is to eat better and move more.

clc408 said...

I am planning to be consistent with my daily walking this year.

sweepmom said...

My new years resolution is to declutter my house.

Melissa said...

My resolution is to pay off my debt

Deborah Wellenstein said...

i want to start a walking program. said...

to be more patient

Dani said...

I've started lifting weights.

Becca said...

I want to eat healthier and get upside down in yoga without help.

angel320 said...

My resolution is to finally lose the weight I gained when I stopped smoking

Pat said...

My New Year's resolution is to walk on the treadmill at least five days a week.

Anonymous said...

My New Years resolution is to lose weight.

Unknown said...

My new years resolution is to become more toned in my arms and stomach

susan1215 said...

My resolution is to save more money this year

1993wel said...

My resolution is to live more in the moment and not worry about things I can't control.

julis55 said...

My resolution is to lose weight.

Claire said...

My resolution is to learn how to eat healthier.

Tracy Melhinch said...

To try and quit smoking for good!

Candie L said...

I have to realize it is ok for me not to be perfect. Thank you


Madelyn Sue said...

My resolution is more home cooking, less processed foods!

Shayna said...

My resolution is to get more rest and drink more water :)

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to lose 20 lbs

danijebo said...

To spend more outdoor adventure activities outdoors with my children

Mary Calabrese said...

My resolution is to get back on the South Beach Diet.

Robin T said...

My resolution is to eat more healthy.

Robin T said...

My resolution is to eat more healthy.

mandala said...

Save more money - less impulsive buying. Thanks!

McKim said...

My resolution is to get my blood sugar under control.

Christie said...

my new years resolution is to de-clutter my home.

Ryan said...

My new years resolution is to save more money.

mandala said...

Exercise more and eat healthier. . .less processed food. Thanks!

Crystal said...

This year, I'm working on building a habit of doing yoga every day. 9 out of 11 so far!

Crystal F said...

I want to start putting money up for emergencies. I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

No official resolution for me this year. If anything it would be to eat healthier. Karen,

Unknown said...

My New Year's Resolution is to lose the weight I gained over the holidays.

Ingrid said...

Eat healthier.

dfraley3 said...

No resolution this year -- just hoping to improve myself!

Paula Gardner/samandsandy22 said...

Resolution is to eat less and move more

Ashley said...

I want to read 12 books this year. I'm almost done with my first one.

D Christie said...

My resolution is to carve out more time for myself and enjoy it.

April said...

To eat healthier and become more fit.

calvad said...

My resolution this year is to get fit and toned! deana c

nickieisis3 said...

My resolution is to stress less

Kim Keithline said...

My New Years Resolution is to eat Healthier and get fit

kyl neusch said...

finish my degree

smilekisses said...

I need to sleep more than two hours a night. Not doing to well yet.

Unknown said...

My resolution this year is to get more organized.

imaclutz89 said...

Mine is to add more fruits and veggies every meal!

Unknown said...

My resolution is to exercise on a regular basis!

Kathleen said...

Drink lots of water everyday and declutter my house

lemonzest12 at hotmail dot com

Brandy C said...

My goal is to work more on self care.

Aaron said...


luv911fun said...

My resolution is to be a good mommy. I have a 9-month-old & one on the way, so it is going to be a whirlwind for me to figure out what the heck I'm doing!

channallocks said...

commit to getting healthier

Tiffany said...

My resolution is to learn something new every month! Jan I am learning how to knit. So far I've purled a scarf, going to work on a hat next! :)

stOOpidgErL said...

I would like to lose 15 pounds.

Unknown said...

My resolution is to cut back on my sugar intake to be healthier!

Rebecca said...

My resolution is to get fit and run a 5K

Terry Cross said...

My resolution is to eat healthier

Unknown said...

my resolution is to drink more water instead of soda all the time

kim h said...

T?o better at everything all the time



Unknown said...

My resolution is to learn how to be more frugal in 2015.

Lisa said...

My goal is to consume less sugar!

Lisa V. said...

I need to get backpacking ready by June...exercise to prepare for some hard hiking.

terri142 said...

My New Year's Resolution is to finally quit smoking.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

rajee said...

stay fit and positive

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

To finally get this weight off this year. I am so tired of losing the same weight over and over.
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Breanne said...

I'd like to eat healthier.

Valeen said...

My resolution is to eat more low carb and add more exercise to my routine!

Unknown said...

My resolution is to read one book a month.

billwinsbig said...

I WAS going to be nicer to people...but once I got to work and had to deal with a**h**l*s...all bets were

Tara W said...

My resolution is to keep my book review blog updated this year.
Tara Woods

ConiSu said...

To lose the weight I gained back :(

Karen D said...

My resolution is to (sigh) lose weight.

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to be kinder to myself and to others.
Kathleen S.
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Betty C said...

I don't make actual resolutions, but my goal is to aggressively pay down debt.

Unknown said...

Mine is to get out of debt.

samf36 said...

To move more. I have been using my fitbit to make sure I get my 10K of steps a day.

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to eat more healthy & drink more water!!!~

Karen said...

To finish my degree finally !!!

Jill Meadows said...

My resolution is to lose weight😁

susansmoaks said...

my new years resolution is to get down to my goal weight, losing about 15 pounds.

susansmoaks said...

i resolve to lose about 15 pounds.

mail4rosey said...

Mine is to get finished with school. I'm more than ready to be done.

AEKZ2 said...

My resolution is to be more patient.

bev said...

My New Years resolution is to donate more to the Food Shelf and smile more. Thanks!

Trisha McKee said...

My resolution is to make every day count and to do more of what makes me happy.

tridingermckee at gmail dot com

Brian E. said...

Thank You for the giveaway…my resolution is to work on my upper body strength this year.

Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

Jakes Movie Reviews said...

To start eating better and not lose anymore weight that I have.

Elizabeth Owens said...

My resolution is to run a half marathon without walking!

marcia goss said...

My resolution is to find more time for myself and go walking every day.