Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

My aunt came bearing Christmas Gifts for the kids. Then she handed me this Bible. She said, she had it put up for me and thought I would like to share it with my children. She had gotten it for me in 1985, I do remember her reading it to me and I remember when I could not sleep at night she would rock me in a squeaking rocking chair. I think this gift touched me more now then it did back then. She is my second mom, I was lucky to have great people in my life growing up.

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Andrea Kruse said...

That is so precious! What a wonderful thing to share with your children.

Veronica Lee said...

I totally agree with Owen's Mom.

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

That is very cool. i love when my family does little things like that because it really does mean so much :).

Pam said...

Recently, I was going through some of my old things and came across a journal my best friend had given me in high school. The first entry was dated Jan. 8, 1987. Lol. Awesome.

Aleksandra Nearing said...

How neat! Merry Christmas and happy Wednesday :)

Brimful Curiosities said...

What a wonderful book to share with your kids.

Amber @ The Mom Road said...

That's awesome! My WW is about my son's first Bible. How cool :)

Anonymous said...

What a great gift filled with memories.

Grace said...

I saved my daughters bible as well and now her daughter has it. A great tradition :)

Cher said...

What a great book to have now, so precious!

Chelsey said...

What a lovely gift (both times!)

Terra Heck said...

What a wonderful and cherishable gift!