Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 5/18/11

Most Characters spotted around here
Thor & Spiderman
5Minutes For Mom & Go Graham Go, Mom Start, Jolly Mom, Two of A kind, Working on a full House and many more wonderful sites, sign up, and share your Wordless Wednesday.


Annie @ Mama Dweeb said...

He will protect you!!

What a cutie. My son LOVES swords too. Gotta love that protective nature boys have.

grace said...

Now I'm thinking I even want one of those Thor costumes. LOL too cute.

Tarasview said...

cutie pie! My kids have always loved to dress up too :)

abby said...

Very cute, to serve and protect! Love the Thor outfit.

Stefany T said...

So cute! My son hasn't learned of Thor yet. I figure it is only a matter of time and he will be dressing up too. :)

An Apel a Day said...

My oldest son's pick right now is Superman. He changes who he likes though.

Jessie @ MomVantage said...

Cute costume! My daughter loves to dress up - and usually makes her 18 mo brother dress up too (usually as a princess lol)

Little Hatchlings said...

I have 2 daughters so it's so refreshing to see how the boys play dress-up! Adorable!

kewkew said...

Cute little guy you have there.

Jessica said...

I can't wait until my boys are into this kind of stuff. It's gonna be so much fun.

Tricia @Night Owl Mama said...

tooo cute I love pretend play especially when you have super heros'

aimee said...

Super cute!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

That is so cute! I am a new STALKER of your blog! I would love it if you would come by and say hello sometime, or maybe link up on my Super STALKER Sunday hop! : )

Happy WW!

Ms. Sarah said...

Well he does make a cute Thor. My son is now over my soldier wanting a thor costum. To funny.

BusyWorkingMama said...

Nothing like some good pretend play! Happy Wednesday!

Dee said...

So much fun! Spiderman is a fav around here too!

Anonymous said...

Love the sword! Those are a big hit here. :)

Clueless_Mama said...

I love the picture. He is too cute! I love playing pretend with the kiddos. Fun to see what they come up with. :)

Research Paper said...

So cute...Looking cool...