Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Stop Smoking Patches Work

Stop smoking now for yourself and your children. Not only are cigarettes costly now, the medical bills in the future will be even worse. My mom a ex smoker as of March, found out she had lung cancer. This week she will having surgery to remove part of her lung & the cancer the size of a large baseball or a small cantaloupe. Her bills are already at $150,000+, no lie and more are in the mail each day. My dad quit the day after they found her cancer.

I'm a non smoker for now going on 8 years. May 7, is my anniversary. I said it in my post 1 year ago and I'm saying it again "Patches & will power work":) 

Patches have worked for 40 year smoker, 30+ year smoker, 2- 20 year smokers, 7 year smoker. Several more I know.

So important to try to quit, then brush it off. I've heard people say I don't have money to buy patches but go buy more cigarettes. Some say, I'm scared they will hurt me. All kinds of excuses can be made. 

Makes me wonder if my mom didn't use excuses for the past 8 years every time we asked her to quite, she might not have cancer today? You can never tell...