Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Skin MD Natural Review & Giveaway

I have a trouble spot like most people and seek skin care. My spot is on my belly where I have stretch marks. It gets dry with little red spots and extremely itchy. Although confined to my stomach, up & down the stretch marks, but still very nerve racking to me and I have dealt with it for the past 4 years. The rash first showed when I was pregnant with my first son and comes and goes upon treatment.

Skin MD Natural has help comfort my trouble area and I have not had any itch for the past two weeks. I love the fact that it absorbs quickly and does not feel gooey and sticky. I don't mind rubbing it on to my hands, where when I use most other lotions I would wipe them off with a towel.
A shielding lotion does the real work to prevent dry skin in two ways.

First, it assists the inner layers of skin to absorb moisture. The humectant (an ingredient that attracts moisture) used in Skin MD Natural is unique to it and has been laboratory tested to be 6 times more effective than any other you will find in common creams.

Second, a shielding lotion enhances the power of the top layer of the skin to resist environmental irritants while protecting the inner natural moisture.

Skin MD Natural is hypoallergenic, free of fragrances, parabens and colorants. It is made with more than 90% natural ingredients and 100% food-grade ingredients that are on the FDA's "most safe" list.

A reader will win their very own 4oz. bottle of Skin MD Natural

Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern Feb 8, 2010
Open US & Canada winner has 5 days to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.

Mandatory Entry Follow my blog Google Friend Connect & Tell me a fact from Skin MD, not mentioned here.


*Blog about the giveaway linking Skin MD & Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow @Skinmdnatural @lifesandcastle on twitter & tweet (1 time per day)
" #giveaway Skin MD @Skinmdnatural @lifesandcastle #win ends 2/08"
*Become my face book fan.
*Become a 
Skin MD face book fan.
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)

*Subscribe to Skin MD on YouTube
*Enter The Night Owl Mama or giveaways on my site- one entry for each you enter.
*Add this giveaway to a contest linky & leave link (3 entries each link, up to 3contest listings)

Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by PR or Company. I reviewed sample for my opinion. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.


denyap22 said...

I learned Skin MD Natural contains 6x more moisturizing abilities then glycerin

denyap22 said...

Fan on FB

SweetShenanigans said...

I follow you via GFC and found out that skin md is cruelty free and vegan.

SweetShenanigans said...

Following you both on twitter @Alliegal101
and tweeted:!/Alliegal101/status/27525207438655488

SweetShenanigans said...

email subscriber 2

SweetShenanigans said...

subscribed to skin md on youtube (alliegal101)

SweetShenanigans said...

Entered scrubbing bubbles giveaway on the night owl mama.

SweetShenanigans said...

1 blogged:

SweetShenanigans said...

2 blogged:

SweetShenanigans said...

3 blogged:

SweetShenanigans said...

4 blogged:

SweetShenanigans said...

5 blogged:

Amy W. said...

I learned you can send in a self addressed stamped envelope and they will send you samples to try. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I like Skin MD on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

Email subscriber 1 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I follow you on GFC as frugal tumbleweed acres. Skin MD and Skin MD + SPF are manufactured in the USA.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

1. I'm an email subscriber to LIAS.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

2. I'm an email subscriber ti LIAS.

tiny tornadoes said...

I subscribe with GFC. This is what I learned on the site:

Daily use of most soaps and cleansers can strip away your skin's oils and protective layer, impairing its natural ability to repel the thousands of irritants and toxins commonly found in the home and workplace.

Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC manthas24 and learned that I can get these products at Giant Eagle Pharmacy #488

Unknown said...

I follow on twitter @manthas24 and tweeted

Unknown said...

1 I like Skin MD Natural on FB - user id manthas24

Unknown said...

2 I like Skin MD Natural on FB - user id manthas24

Unknown said...

I entered for your 1/30 Industrial Revolution Spork Little

Unknown said...

I entered for your 2/03 $45 CSN Stores Giveaway

Unknown said...

I entered for your 2/10 Diaper Cake

Unknown said...

I entered for your 2/04 The Magic Warble book, bracelet and bookmark.

Unknown said...

I entered for your 2/08 Skin MD Giveaway

Ruth said...

gfc follower
Skin MD is sold by our local pharmacy in town. That makes it pretty convenient.

Ruth said...

your facebook fan

Ruth said...

akin ms facebook fan

msrodeobrat said...

i LOVE that they are cruelty free
following on gfc as msrodeobrat
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

wendysue said...

I found that I could purchase Skin MD at the Community Drug pharmacy in Benzonia, MI where I live.

wendysue said...

I'm a facebook fan.

wendysue said...

e-mail subscriber.

wendysue said...

e-mail subscriber 2.

wendysue said...

I entered your giveaway for knork flatware.

wendysue said...

I entered your giveaway for csn $45.

wendysue said...

I entered the Night Owl Mama's giveaway for $50 Macy's card.

wendysue said...

I entered the Night Owl Mama's giveaway for eatsmart bathroom scale.

wendysue said...

I entered the Night Owl Mama's giveaway for eden fantasys.

Unknown said...

follow on GFC

the Walgreens near me sells Skim MD

ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

Amy W. said...

email subscriber 2 cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Diaper Cake giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Dinosaur Train Match Game giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I entered the Sid the Science Kid DVD giveaway at Night Owl Mama. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Unknown said...

I follow via GFC (kport207) and I learned that Skin MD products are vegan.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Erika said...

I learned that it can help eczema too and that more dermatologists are recognizing the importance of using natural ingredients in skin care products and are recommending Skin MD Natural lotion for dry skin condition.
Thank you!
MusingsfromaSAHm at gmail dot com

Erika said...

I subscribed to the Skin MD YouTube channel.

susan1215 said...

follow via GFC and I learned Skin MD Natural contains 6x more moisturizing abilities then glycerin

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

SkinMD FB fan Susan S

susan1215 said...

Like you on FB Susan S

BEadECLECTIC said...

I learned their products are vegan and cruelty free! Yay!
bead.eclectic at

BEadECLECTIC said...

I subscribe via e-mail

gleela82 at

BEadECLECTIC said...

I subscribe via e-mail

gleela82 at

susansmoaks said...

i am a follower and i learned that it can help relieve psoriasis
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Bakersdozen said...

I follow and learned that it offers 6 times the moisturization (I am assuming of other moisturizers). vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bakersdozen said...

1. Email subscriber. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bakersdozen said...

2. Email subscriber. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.
Skin MD Natural and Skin MD Natural + SPF 15 are manufactured in the United States using 100% solar power, free of animal products and animal testing.

Donna said...

I am a follower. I learned it works differently than any other lotion.

Donna said...

I follow on GFC.

Donna said...

I am their fan on facebook.

Donna said...

I subscribed to skin MD you tube.

Donna said...

I subscribed by email.

Donna said...

2.I subscribed by email.

Ransomed~Redeemed said...

I follow you on GFC . It's cruelty free!