How would you dress your kids zone up with a $500.00 Walmart Gift Card. It I win I'll take a picture and show you. Your Zone Walmart and Mom Knows It All, whatcha waiting for, you know it's cool, go sign up.So this is the DISASTER ZONE I would fix up for my two sons, age 2 yr & 2 month old.
I would love to get them a Wal-MartYour Zone Bunk Bed, some other cool stuff.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mom Knows It All has it going on $500 Walmart GC
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monterey Expandable Booster Car Seat at 3 garnets 2 sapphires
3 garnets 2 sapphires has the most wonderful givaway going on a Monterey Expandable Booster Car Seat from One Step Ahead. It ends 9/21 so hurry and get entered.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
5M4M Back to School Giveaway
Back to school 5 Minute 4 Mom Style:
Lands’ End eco-friendly lunch pack and backpack
$50.00 Gift Card to Famous Footwear
Too Cool For School IMAX Prize Pack
$100.00 shopping spree at
Gift Certificate to Oompa Toys.
Epson Stylus NX515 all-in-one printer
Behind the Wheel Language instruction
This is Me Kid’s Keepsake Journal
Friday, August 21, 2009
Win A Silverlake Leather Convertible Satchel
Want to win a Silverlake Leather Convertible Satchel from The Sak! She (I mean her beautiful girls are a finalist over at 5 Minutes For Mom for the Trix Swirls Cereal Contest! Go vote Amanda #3.
The giveaway for the Silverlake Leather Convertible Satchel from The Sak! is located at Amanda's site, but you have to vote at 5 Minutes For Mom.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Do you feel that you are just going in circles trying to get things done, well let me google finished, can you stop there or is the something else you want to google, then you you wind up on Twitter. Son spills drink. Next I'm on my Yahoo mail. I email someone back. I'm posting this. What did I start doing and now I have more things to finish. Do I have attention deficit disorder or something?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Kelly Ideas-Say It Forward
Just wanted to say thanks to Kelly's Ideas loyal commenter & for following Life is a Sandcastle.
The Breast Reduction Surgery is Done
I'm home typing away and happy to have it done, for good hopefully. The sad part is my newborn wants me to hold him so bad and my 2 year old just don't understand why I can't pick him up and play. Very soon I be back playing & holding my babies. Oh how many pounds did I have taken off. 8 POUNDS.
Get Cool For School with these great blogs
Want to win some get cool for school great prizes, well here is the great blogs with the contest and the contests listed below. Start at 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphies and visit the others for chances to win.
3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires
As They Grow Up
Blessings Abound Mommy
Experimental Mommy
Life Starring the Kids and Me
The Shopping Mama
What Mommies Need
"Get Cool For School" GRAND PRIZE - Worth over $500 (Ends 8/31)
"Get Cool For School" #21 - Keurig Platinum Brewer, Tasty 5-in-1 Baker, Post Shredded Wheat - 4 Winners (Ends 8/31)
"Get Cool For School" #20 - Radio Flyer Pack 'n' Go Canopy Wagon, SafetyTats, Outdoor Blanket - 3 Winners (Ends 8/31)
Boxtops "Top This" Totino's - Toaster Streudels - Avery School Supplies Prize Pack (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #19 - Just Jen Custom Rhinestone Tee, Envirosax Designer Tote, Carolina Pad - 4 Winners! (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #18 - Math Blaster Game for Nintendo DS & a Plasma Car (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #17 - HipFusion Designs Glass Necklace, Mini Bento Box, Custom Photo Canvas Tote - 2 Winners (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #16 - Jessie Steele Apron, Edge Brownie Pan, Envirosax Tote Bag (Ends 8/27)
2 Sid the Science Kid DVDs (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #15 - Kushies My Bag, $50 Lefty's GC, Doodle & Goo Pillowcase Dress (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #14 - Ufadili Clothing, Pediped Shoes, Personalized Stationary - 4 Winners! (Ends 8/27)
"Get Cool For School" #13 - See Kai Run, Happy Green Bee GC, Stephen Joseph Backpack - 7 Winners! (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #12 - Carolina Pad, PakNaks, Twist 'n Write Pencils - 3 Winners! (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #11 - LTDchix Mom Tee, BusyBodyBook Organizer & Calendar, Overcoming School Anxiety Book - 3 Winners! (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #10 - 3 Sets of Melissa & Doug Playfoods, Fancy Fortune Cookies, Leapster 2 by LeapFrog (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #9 - Kokopax Carrier, Waterproof Labels, Doodle & Goo Clothing (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #8 - Ufadili, See Kai Run, Leapfrog Tag Jr., Monogrammed Lunch Bag - 3 Winners (Ends 8/24)
"Get Cool For School" #7 - Office Max DiVoga Home Office Set & $100 HipFusion Designs GC (Ends 8/24)
$50 GC to (Ends 8/20)
"Get Cool For School" #6 - POM Wonderful, Arnold Soft Bread, Bella Viva Orchards Trail Mix - 4 Winners! (Ends 8/19)
"Get Cool For School" #5 - Casio Graphing Calculator, 3mos Subscription, Suzi Homemaker GC - 5 Winners! (Ends 8/19)
"Get Cool For School" #4 - Piggy Paints GC, A Touch of Whimsy GC, BabyLegs, Sparklehearts Hair Products - 8 Winners! (Ends 8/19)
"Get Cool For School" #3 - Pre-Paid Mobile Phone, Gaming Package, Shred Sled (Ends 8/19)
"Get Cool For School" #2 - Two-Sided Easel, Art Smock, Colorations Paint Package (Ends 8/19)
"Get Cool For School" #1 - Kolobags Laptop Case & Mimobot 4GB Flash Drive (Ends 8/19)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bellaziza’s Favorite Things-Springfree Trampolines giveaway
Springfree Trampolines are the absolute safest trampolines, oh how I hope to win one for my son at Bellaziza’s Favorite Things. Go find out how you could win.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Potamus Perfers $100 Swap Party
Tropicana Trop50 & Blogher is working together for the "The Juice" .
One Potamus Prefers reader will win a $100 Gift Card to a grocery store in the U.S. to purchase items necessary to host their very own swap party! Visit Potamus Perfers to find out more.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Plastic Surgery-Sharing Saturday
Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts
We are doing a little thing called "Sharing Saturday," Hope all our Barefoot Mommies Readers like it and share with us. I am going first. This from my post on Barefoot Mommies please click the link and join in at Barefoot Mommies.
Have you ever thought of plastic surgery for either personal improvement or to improve your quality of life? Have you done your homework? I will share a secret that most readers don't know about me. I had a breast reduction April 2005. Breast amount removed 10 pounds, brought me down to an A Cup. Yep I know that's alot. Here's the weird part, I'm going to have another one August 13. They grew back, very rare and strange. I'm a very large DDD Cup now. I'm very short, 5'1". My Doctor say it's the first time he would do a second free nipple graph on the same person twice.
How did this happen? I don't know and no one else does neither. I was an A after the first surgery, then I eased into a B cup. I had my first son 2007 they were a C to D cup then. I got pregnant with second son, they blew up like balloons. I had fever in them the whole time and infection "Mastitis" is what they called it. I controlled that with raw potatoes, cut and made into a paste with food chopper. It helped with fever. "Cabbage did me no good." I took large frozen bags of peas, french fries to apply cold compresses. I've tried a little of all.
I can share some tips about what I have learned and share some personal experience. Although I'm no Doctor, this is what I know.
- Make sure you pick a board certified plastic surgery.
- Meet more than one plastic surgeon. (I meet three)
- Most insurance providers will cover a breast reduction.
- Some plastic surgeon center have payment plans. (Mine did)
- I was home the same day of surgery, Surgical Center there and then 2 1/2 hour drive home.
- Every ones Body Heals differently, but I recovered very fast. (Vitamin C Helps)
- After the first surgery people ask would I do it again, yes, and now I going to.
- I'm told not to left anything over 5 pounds for 2 week. (I have a newborn & 2 1/2 year old.)
There are different procedures to having a breast reduction. The first is a called "Keyhole" this is a basic breast reduction. A "Free Nipple Graft" is when a great amount of tissue is removed. The breast nipple is removed, then placed back on.
My favorite part is people act rude when "I say no" about breast feeding.
Example nurse, asks are you breastfeeding, I said no. Then she lets me know it's best for the baby and lectures me. I'm sure she felt ashamed when she got the facts.
August 13, 2009, I will be doing something to improve the quality of my life. Do have stories, planning plastic surgery, already had, or just want to comment, let me know what's on your mind.
New MySpace Layouts

Great Giveaway!!
" is having a great toy giveaway sponsored by All Children’s Furniture who carries everything from kid's furniture to toys. Stop by before midnight Aug 21st EST to enter to win! " I'm doing everything I can to win, my boys would love to win this prize. Wanna know what it is visit
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
John Deere Giveaway
The John Deere Mom is bringing us another great John Deere Giveaway. Cool Backpacks, there will be 2 winners, and they are gorgeous. Head over to the John Deere Mom site and check out all the great content she has to offer and the cool giveaway also.