Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Are You A Target For Animal Dumping

Are you targeted for an unwanted pet. Children toys in the yard, a big yard, a nice secluded area in the country. Why does people think they should dump their responsibility on to someone else. I hear a knock on the door and my neighbor was there saying, I brought your puppy home, what I asked? He was saying his bulldog/pit dog was jumping on it and he stopped it... I walk out to see a little puppy, not our puppy.

Someone dropped a puppy out :( Kills me!! We don't want your unwanted animal. Now I'm having to take up my time to find the puppy a home and protect it from the dog next to us. Now my husband understands why I say keep the children toys in the backyard, cause people will dump out their animals on you. I swear if people are caught dumping animals they should have to pay heavy fines to an animal shelter and have to do community service helping animals. Poor little dog is sweet, it needs a safe home.


Anonymous said... 1

Kills me as well. That is how I got my cat Callie. Someone just dumped her out:( I agree fines, penalties should happen. Hope you find him a home.

The Studio said... 2

Hey! Just to let you know I passed it on via google+. I hate when people dump animals. Grrrrrr....

neoh42f said... 3

I will never understand the cruel actions of people who dump animals. I have taken in two dogs that were strays and obviously dumped. I wish I were able to care for more of them, but it's just not possible. It really breaks my heart for the poor innocent souls who suffer as a result of some people's behavior :(

jamie braun said... 4

they could have at least taken it to the animal shelter! its winter, that puppy could have died! thank goodness for good people like you

jayedee said... 5

this is such a shame! we fostered 13 cats last year that were drop offs! about 6 months ago, someone dropped off an entire litter of 6 kittens (sealed in a cardboard box in 95 degree heat) in our driveway. the last one just found his forever home...thank goodness. what are people thinking?

Diane said... 6

We live in a row of townhouses and we had two indoor only cats. Around Christmas 2011 we kept seeing a cat outside. We assumed it was a neighbors indoor/outdoor cat and let it be. But the cat started sleeping under our car, and sitting on our back steps. We started asking around and everyone said the same thing - It showed up one day near our townhouse so everyone assumed he was ours. We eventually gained enough trust to get the kitty inside. He had a bad gash on his hip. He used the litter box without a problem and acted like he had lived in our house his whole life. He quickly located all the cat beds, toys and food/water. We tried for weeks to find an owner with the help of the vet. He eventually became ours. He is SO sweet, but he is SUPER playful and gets into a lot of trouble (but doesn't scratch furniture).

We think someone owned him and either couldn't handle his antics, or couldnt take care of him anymore. Maybe they saw our cats lounging in the windows and knew we would take care of him. He was too sweet from the beginning to be feral.

Janet W. said... 7

That is so sad that someone just dumped it! Unfortunately I think it happens all the time. Hopefully you'll be able to find him a home.