Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hurry Hurry time is almost out

Hurry Hurry time is almost out for This Mama Cooks! $250 gift card to the supermarket of the winner’s choice. Thanks to the Canned Food Alliance* (CFA), the folks who run, I've been meaning to enter my stuff so here it is: opps I forgot to take a picture of the food donated, and I gave it to a women with cancer with 2 little children, her husband lost his job and they are living with another family barely getting by. If I win I will be helping them out and I can give some pics of the donation then. I can tell you what I gave them, 4 boxes cereal, 2gal milk 2 jar peanut butter and 10 cans foods. Also brought eggs, a pack of ham, bread, jelly for them. I think it makes a difference to help people all year not just in the holidays.