Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sweepstakes 25PayPal & The Hidden Chamber in the Great Sphinx

I don't usually have time to settled down with a book unless I'm reading to my 6 and 3 year old boys. I actually read this book one morning own my own after an unsuccessful read with my six year old. He just wasn't into it, but I believe he will like the information that was unfolded in the book when he gets older.

Like I said, one morning I tore through the book and did Google searches in between to search archaeological information that was revealed in the book. I also asked my husband questions to see his response, he is a major history fan. I love the informative knowledge that unfolded in the story line.

The book in an overview is about a man who moves and finds love with a widowed mother next door neighbor. He is a professor and joins in archaeological digs following in the footsteps of his dad with life long friend archaeologist.  Searching out the hidden chamber in the Great Sphinx life takes so many interesting turns. Facts are sprinkled throughout and fiction. This book pulls you into learning before you realize and sends you on mystery like a Nancy Drew book. Danger lurks and things are not what they seem.

Was humans the first ones here with computers, did you know a computer dating back 1st century BC salvaged from a shipwreck in 1900. How was the pyramids lit up, better yet how was it built? Is there an hint of alien super knowledge, time has forgotten? Build your curiosity and check out Linda Cadose's book. I'm looking forward to her newest book (Underwater Pyramid Bermuda Triangle and her knowledge reflected in future novels.

Books are available at:

Disclosure: A copy of this book was given to me to review and the sponsor also supplied Paypal cash giveaway of $25 for one of my readers. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was received.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


peg42 said...

I think that they used weights and pullies of some sort. Thanks so much.

Mysharona said...

aliens built it

bmom76 said...

chelsea r

XmasDolly said...

That's a tough question, but I will say with lots of manpower and mules. I'm also sure mathematically had a big hand in it.

Tamar said...

with great precision!! I don't know. lol

Mary Calabrese said...

I have no clue, other than using many slaves.

clc408 said...

I think there was some kind of system of ramps and rollers, though it is a real mystery.

jammvj66 said...

I think it was built by the egyptians

kyl neusch said...

system of ramps that swirled around the pyramids

Tes283 said...

We will learn how they were created when we learn how to create them. We lost the information and need to re-learn.

kim h said...

I dont know how they were built but it was some incredibly smart people or aliens that did it

CindyWindy2003 said...

built by slaves probably with pulleys, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

no clue
Thanks! Janna JOhnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc

Katie said...

Looks good - thanks for sharing your review!

Elizabeth Kasson said...

I think with a lot of careful planning and early engineering as well as early architecture skills!

Unknown said...

Electromagnetic power as they have found ancient forms of batteries.

Diane said...

I think people from other planets visited and gave them the technology to build the pyramids. There are a lot of hieroglyphics that look like space ships and rockets

jamie braun said...

ramps & pullies

Unknown said...

I think someone very smart and with great equipment :)

VickieC said...

I think that they made by hand the morter to built it with an had tons of workers/slaves to climb an manually build an shape the image

Rhonda said...

It's always fascintated me but I'm not really sure how they were built. Very amazing!

Unknown said...

I think it was built by Egypt Slaves.

sohamolina said...

It was p=built by people.

andie said...
A Very diligent Culture??

Darby Elizabeth said...

a lot of hard work form a lot of people

buzzd said...

by slave laborers

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

No question that a massive amount of slave (and animal)labor, toil, suffering and death were involved...

Also there we're secret (or more to the point, scientific - like the process of mummification - which we STILL don't entirely understand HOW they did it!)But I imagine that perhaps they understood some laws of physics and principles of engineering that perhaps we have overlooked or failed to rediscovered...

And perhaps some "otherworldly" intervention?

"We dance around in a circle and suppose: the secret sit in the middle and knows..."

Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

Jason Vaughn said...

A powdered compound that formed and hardened

Unknown said...

By the use of frequencies for levitation.

Unknown said...

By the transplants from Atlantis.

smilekisses said...

Lots of scaffling, men, and mules.

Jamie said...

The Lowe's team built it!!! And didn't the guy on Despicable Me steal it???

wigget said...

with lots of ropes and pulleys

Mom Knows Best said...

with hard work

ky2here said...

Alright - I was ready to be the only kook. i am convinced extraterrestrial intervention was involved. Even more so with the sites in Peru and Easter Island. Lock me up!

ky2here at msn dot com

KellyS said...

Lots of hard work :)

shirley said...

I really do not have a clue, but lots of hard work.

Anonymous said...

I think they were built with pure man power caring stone and all on their backs! I really don't know! lol

Becca Ann said...

Man strength and maybe some simple machines like pullies

Daniel M said...

ramps & slaves - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Unknown said...

by men

Unknown said...

I think they were built with lots of man power and some sort of pullies.

angie lilly said...

It was built on the backs of slaves to the Egyptian Pharaohs!

Robin T said...

Alien technology

Erica C. said...

It was a bunch of workers who worked harder than anyone does now.

Unknown said...

I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens. LOL

Unknown said...

I believe it was build with a lot of patience and a ton of men.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I think it was built by slaves in Bible times

Lisa M said...

Kufu built the great pyramid

Kim (Randominities) said...

It was built with a lot of hard work and good organization.

tlcfromtn said...

I really have no clue how they did it. It is rather fascinating

Anna Memphis said...

Not aliens, despite what the History Channel is plugging these days. Rather, lots of brain power and lots of manpower

yellowlabs said...

I am not sure, but I am thinking they used some type of pulley or ramp.

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I dont have a clue, but it was a lot of hard labor.

Unknown said...

Made by slaves with ways we still haven't learned of yet.

deniseyweesy said...

Made by a lot of men with levers and such

Karen Glatt said...

The Egyptians used slaves back then to build the pyramid!

Paol Trenny said...

there were made by tens of thousands of conquered people and slaves ----- Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

imaclutz89 said...

I think the Egyptians made them!


bbrittbrat1398 said...

by Egypt Slaves
Brittney House

michedt said...

I'd say lots of slaves, pulleys, ropes and various other techniques.
Michelle Tucker

susansmoaks said...

i think they used their mind to move the blocks!

susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

Amy Dalrymple said...

The Ancient Egyptians were much smarter than we give them credit for!

Unknown said...

I know slaves built it, but it's still amazing to think about the engineering and labor involved!