Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sweepstakes $1000 Visa GC Back to School Blast

Welcome to the Back to School Blast!

Getting your family prepared to head back to school, can be difficult especially after a long, fun-filled summer. Here are a few of our favorite Back to School Tips to help you along the way.
1. Back-to-School Supplies Checklist - Backpack? Check. Pencils? Check. Safety scissors? Not Yet. Use the same checklist each time you head out to grab supplies, to keep track of what you have already purchased and the things you still need to. These are also handy if you have more than one child. Simply print 2, 3, 4 list and add their name to the top.

My Back to School Tips:
Schools here give us a list of items to purchase and it's specific.
Label their stuff.
Lay clothes out the night before.
Prepare snack in advance and label them for easy grab and go.
My son has allergies so he has a tissue supply with him.

The Back to School Blast was organized by Mom Powered Media.
Please take a moment to also visit our lovely co-hosts, whom without them great things such as these would not be possible: My Vegan Gluten-Free Life, Plum Crazy About Coupons, Capri's Coupons, Downshifting - Your Family, Your Home, Your Life, Jack of all trades, Master of Mom™, Quick Tattletails, Mew Review and Iowa Mom.

One lucky winner will receive a $1,000 Visa Gift Card!

Giveaway ends August 15th at 11:59pm, open worldwide, ages 18+. If the winner resides outside of the US, they will receive Paypal cash. To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: Life Is A SandCastle is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact with questions or to see your business or blog featured on the next big event!


Janice said... 1

plan ahead. Expect tardiness and lazy kids not wanting to get out of bed. My prepared :)

Shannon Stilwell said... 2

Do Bento lunches. They are easier than they seem and the kids love them.

HarleyC said... 3

I do a lot of shopping on tax-free weekend!

Mabel said... 4

Don't forget to leave the kids their lunch money.

Anonymous said... 5

get your child back into school "mode" a couple weeks earlier: earlier bedtimes,earlier wake-ups.

staceyparden said... 6

my best tip would be get everything early! don't wait til the wkd before school starts

Serena said... 7

Sometimes it is best to wait to buy school supplies until after school has started. They are typically on sale.

Anonymous said... 8

Shop the back to school sales before the prices go up. Can't be 17 cents for a notebook.

Mysharona said... 9

Shop early for the best deals.

Anonymous said... 10

Prepare your children's clothing and lunch the night before. It will save a lot of time.

Unknown said... 11

Don't wait until the week before school begins to buy school supplies. Shop early.

PAIGE said... 12

Have everything ready to go the night before.

Paula Franklin said... 13

Wow! I would love to win this then I could get all my babies school supplies and new school clothes and shoes. It seems like they grow inches every summer and outgrow everything they have to wear. Must be the pretty sunshiny days and abundant rain.

Paula Franklin said... 14

My best tip would be to make sure they start going to bed and getting up early as if they were going to school at least 2 weeks before school starts.

Erica Barnes said... 15

Do the back to school shopping early while the sales are going on.

NrdyGmrGrl said... 16

Don't leave things to the last minute!

Unknown said... 17

Buy all your school supplies at the end of last school year and save money! Also, ask friends on facebook to send you hand-me-downs from their kids that fit yours!

MLV said... 18

Buy school supplies the day after school starts! Everything is marked down!

Unknown said... 19

hit school with confidence and be prepared is all the info I can give

BeckyM said... 20

Just get what you absolutely need then wait a couple weeks to after school has started to buy the rest when it is way cheaper!

Unknown said... 21

Don't wait....start now.....begin by watching for all the sale opportunities and discount prices.

Unknown said... 22

Don't wait....start now....and respond to all the sales and discount price specials.

GANDORF57 said... 23

Wear clean underwear--getting a wedgie is embarrassing enough!

llinda29 said... 24

watch the ads

Anonymous said... 25

Get your items early, watch for sales and stockpile when prices are low. Karen,

Nicole Balogh said... 26

Pack lunches and lay out outfits the night before. Makes the mornings run so much smoother!

Anonymous said... 27

Plan ahead and get EVERYTHING ready the night before

ginette4 said... 28

start weeks ahead, getting them off to bed earlier and earlier

Anonymous said... 29

Buy school supplies early!

Heidi Gail said... 30

Have your hair cut a couple weeks before school starts so that it has a chance to grow out a little and you can get it fixed if it turns out badly.

mchavez718 said... 31

My best tip is to not leave everything for the last minute. Shop early and have every thing packed and laid out the night before.

Birdie Skolfield said... 32

Lay out clothes the night B4 I have girls !!!!!!!!!

NeraCaligula said... 33

Practice the routine of bedtime and waking up at least a week in advance.

Jen said... 34

Look in the weekly ads and buy the supplies as Walgreens has them cheap!

Rebecca said... 35

We home school here, but I have found that getting the kids back into a normal bedtime routine about 3 weeks before we start back up is essential for lessening the school time chaos!

Tiffany Mann said... 36

My best back to school advice would be to start waking the kids up early 2 weeks before school starts. After staying up late and sleeping in it's good to get back into the early morning routine a few weeks before school starts.

Lisa said... 37

Staples has sales each week during the summer so I go each week that way I can get everything for rock bottom prices instead of making 1 trip the first day of school and paying full price.

Carlie Bush said... 38

Wait to buy supplies a week or so in to school because some teachers say some of the items on their list were optional.

kfhaggerty said... 39

Make sure there is no problems with the kids being late for school in September. Make sure they are on school time for a full week before their first day. That means alarms are set, and everybody is up and around in the morning.

Unknown said... 40

Always plan your future ahead! And Look out for bullies.

Unknown said... 41

hope i can get the prize :D

Rebecca said... 42

Get back in the bedtime/wake-up routine about 2 weeks before school starts! Summer is over and WE all need to adjust :)

April said... 43

Start getting the kids up on time a couple of days early so that they can get used to the routine before they have to. Create a routine for lunch making, bag packing etc.

Valentina said... 44

If the child is going to a new school, make sure that way to school is secure - so take a little walk with your schild!

Holly said... 45

Start gradually going to bed earlier each night the week prior to get back in school mode.

Unknown said... 46

My best back to school tip is to do absolutely everything you can the night before. No matter how tired you are you'll be glad you did it in the morning.

Melinda said... 47

great blog

Melinda said... 48

love your site

Joanne said... 49

Bring pencils!

Anonymous said... 50

Prepare everything the night before so you're ready to get out the door on time the next morning.

Anonymous said... 51

Don't get behind in the reading assignments; keep up to date.

magenta92 AT sbcglobal DOT net

Janice B said... 52

I always start having my kids go to bed early about 2 weeks before school starts to get back into the schedule.

sparkedcat said... 53

My tip is to make copies of class schedules.

crystal smith said... 54

I always try to buy as many basic school supplies that I know my kids will be needing (pencils, crayons, notebooks, etc) in bulk while they are on sale. I also try to get my boys excited about going back to school by watching some fun school themed movies or reading back to school themed books with them starting a couple weeks before school starts- theyre both still pretty young and this helps relieve some of the "being away from mom and home" stress :)

Jeni said... 55

shop the best deal and clearance section

DeeAnn S said... 56

Make out a list of what school supplies are needed then go shopping without the kids. You are less likely to pick up things that are "But Mom, I gotta have" stuff! Thanks.
sweepster49 at comcast dot net

jaime said... 57

Wait until they go on sale.

Sandy V. said... 58

Make sure your kids were not supposed to have a specific book read ready for a test on the first day of class.

Buddy Garrett said... 59

Do as many things as possible the night before. Prepare clothes, lunches and any needed paperwork to prevent having to rush in the morning.

Brian E. said... 60

Thanks for the giveaway… wait until you get a supplies list from your child's teacher before buying.

Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

vegan4life said... 61

best tip plan ahead don't wait to the last minute