I had the hardest choice of picking between the Candy & Snack Dispenser or the Cold Drink Dispenser. I finally chose the Candy & Snack Dispenser, my sons loves M&Ms, and I can keep them conveniently available. The less M&Ms that are in the dispenser, the faster they come out. Be ready.
Dispenser holds approx. 12-16 oz., depending on the item.
5" dia. x 10-1/2"H
Finials approx. 2"H
5" dia. x 10-1/2"H
Finials approx. 2"H
Thanks to Plow & Hearth for being a part of Life Is A SandCastle 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. Plow & Hearth will give on reader their very own Candy Dispenser.
Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern November 22, 2010
Open US winner has 5 days to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.
Mandatory Entry is to visit Plow & Hearth and tell me a product you like with the link to the product.
********EXTRA ENTRIES***********
*Blog about the giveaway linking Plow & Hearth & Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
* Follow both Plow & Hearth on twitter & my blog tweet " #giveaway Candy and Snack Dispenser @PlowandHearth @lifesandcastle http://t.co/wLSCdmP #win 11/22" (1 daily)
*Become my face book fan.
*Become a Plow & Hearth Facebook fan. (2entries)
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter Night Owl Mama or giveaways on my site- one entry for each you enter.
*Comment on one non giveaway post on my site(2 entries)
*Grab the Holiday Gift Button @ top left side of my blog or regular button right side bar (2 entries each)
Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented company or PR. I reviewed a product to give my opinion. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.
I would love this: http://www.plowhearth.com/Black%2DElectric%2DWall%2DFireplace%2DAnd%2DHeater%2D_p11795_S2001_D3083_C3095.html
I follow via GFC
Follow both and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/29526530252
Like you on facebook KiddiesCorner Deals
like Plow & Hearth on facebook KiddiesCorner Deals
I have your holiday button under blog events kiddiescornerdeals.com
I have your holiday button under blog events kiddiescornerdeals.com #2
I like:
Collegiate Branding Iron
Sub x 2
Follow & tweeted:
Entered the Executive Gift Shoppe giveaway
10/3 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/29574584906
i really like this fountain
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I would love the cat fan
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
follow you on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
like plow and hearth on FB Jennifer Bee #1
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
like plow and hearth on FB Jennifer Bee #2
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
I like the Galileo Weather station.
I like the Slate Tile Fire Pit
couponboss at gmail dot com
I follow on gfc
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Executive Gift Shop giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Chili's giveaway at NOM.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Hearthsong giveaway at NOM.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Uncle Ben's giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Just Jen giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
UGG® Australia Caspia Boots in black
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I like the canvas log carrier.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you and Plow and Hearth on Twitter; rhoneygee
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/29648800979
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I really like the Bear Table Fan located here: http://www.plowhearth.com/product.asp?section_id=2002&search_type=department&search_value=3008&cm_val=&cm_pos=&cur_index=&cm_type=&pcode=11618
Loving the weekly planner coat rack, would look great in my mudroom!!
Daily tweet http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/29671521531
I love the Andromeda and Holly Garland, it would look great in my new house.
I love this music box:
hebert024 at aol dot com
I really like this:
GFC Follower
Following you both on Twitter @ThisLittleFam and I tweeted.
I like Plow & Hearth on FB - Cari Sutton
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #1
I like Plow & Hearth on FB - Cari Sutton
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #2
email subscriber
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #1
email subscriber
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #2
I grabbed the Holiday Button.
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #1
I grabbed the Holiday Button.
carissa.sutton(at)gmail.com #2
I like this fire pit.
I follow with gfc.
I like this; http://www.plowhearth.com/product.asp?pcode=11898.
I like the Tabletop Tree:
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Following you publicly via GFC.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Following you and Plow&Hearth on Twitter and tweeted-
Like Plow&Hearth on Facebook
Brutus Duffy
I really like the Bear Table Fan - http://www.plowhearth.com/Bear-Table-Fan_p11618_S2002_D3008_C1006.html dwelchert@yahoo.com
Follow on Twitter and tweeted giveaway. http://twitter.com/#!/flipper211/status/441452798676993 dwelchert@yahoo.com
Your Facebook fan/Debbie Welchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
Plow & Hearth Facebook fan/Debbie Welchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
Email subscriber #1. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I would love this for my windowsill
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
GFC Follower Kathy persons
Follow and tweeted
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
FB Fan
Kathy Persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Plow & Hearth Facebook fan
kathy persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Plow & Hearth Facebook fan
kathy persons
kathypersons at yahoo dot com 2
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/537218238119936
I love love love this steamer, it's beautiful
This would be great for my jellybeans in the office.
a product I would like is the Poly-Wood™ Rocker & Table - http://www.plowhearth.com/Poly-Wood%26%23153%3B--Rocker-%26-Table_p2307_S2004_D3059_C1094.html
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
i follow with GFC
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
tweeet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/665751899865088
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
I like Plow & Hearth on Facebook, 1
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
I like Plow & Hearth on Facebook, 2
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
i subscribe by email, 1
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
i subscribe by email, 2
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
entered your SavvyCents wallet giveaway
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
entered Night Owl mama Hearthsong giveaway
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
entered Night Owl Mama Melissa and Doug giveaway
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
entered Night Owl Mama Chili's giveaway
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
I like the Slate Tile Fire Pit. http://www.plowhearth.com/Slate-Tile-Fire-Pit_p11470_S2004_D3057_C1034.html
I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/2010/11/weekend-win-it-november-6-7-linky.html (1)
I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/2010/11/weekend-win-it-november-6-7-linky.html (2)
I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/2010/11/weekend-win-it-november-6-7-linky.html (3)
I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/2010/11/weekend-win-it-november-6-7-linky.html (4)
I blogged about this giveaway. http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/2010/11/weekend-win-it-november-6-7-linky.html (5)
I follow via GFC.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/thelifeofrylie/status/733856248373249
I follow you on Facebook.
This sounds delish!
Thanks for the chance.
i love the Compact Electric Stove
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
11/6 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/890549557006336
I like the turtle bench
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I love the Slate Mirror http://www.plowhearth.com/Slate-Mirror_p10747_S2002_D3008_C1006.html
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow and tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/935960468529153
monster6236 at gmail dot com
Electric Car Blanket would be great here in Minnesota
email subscriber
gfc follower (jmajor4870)
Daily tweet! (11/6) http://twitter.com/thelifeofrylie/status/1111161521045504
I am a Plow & Heart FB fan. (1)
I am a Plow & Heart FB fan. (2)
I entered your Giftskins giveaway.
I have your regular button posted here - http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/p/my-favorite-blogs.html (1)
I have your regular button posted here - http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/p/my-favorite-blogs.html (2)
I have your holiday button posted here - http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/p/great-blog-giveaways.html (1)
I have your holiday button posted here - http://www.thelifeofrylie.com/p/great-blog-giveaways.html (2)
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
I think the Blossoming Solar Lights would be a great gift! http://www.plowhearth.com/Blossoming-Garden-Solar-Light_p11414_S2008_D3063_C1125.html
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
Following on google friend connect as sunnymum.
Following on twitter as sunnymum. Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/1418974533263360
The Holiday Gift Button is on our sidebar here: http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com/
2. The Holiday Gift Button is on our sidebar here: http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com/
I also entered the executive gift shoppe giveaway.
I also entered the Clean Bedroom store giveaway.
i like the pet furniture covers http://www.plowhearth.com/Pet-Furniture-Covers_p11529.html
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
follow on gfc
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
fb fan as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
follow both on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted http://twitter.com/lovinmykiddos/status/1445762932146176
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
like plow and hearth on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
2 like plow & hearth on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
email subscriber
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered night owl mama's creativity for kids giveaway
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered your tonka fire truck giveaway
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered your toilettree giveaway
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered dali decals
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered exevutive gift shoppe
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
entered savvycents wallet
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
Daily Tweet
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/KiddiesCorner/status/1475318242086913
I like the 3-Bell Arbor
shel704 at aol dot com
GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com
I follow you and Plow & Hearth on Twitter and I tweeted:
shel704 at aol dot com
I'm your Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com
Plow & Hearth Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com
Plow & Hearth Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com
Entered your Gift Card Rescue giveaway
shel704 at aol dot com
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Daily tweet; http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/1697290368589824
I like the garden bench. http://www.plowhearth.com/Lutyens%2DGarden%2DBench_p11271_S2008_D3064_C2016.html
mia at jacobsracing dot com
I really like the Light Bulb Solar Lights. Thanks.
email subscriber #2
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/2011487384109056
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/2021543060185088
I am a huge slippers fanatic and I LOVE the Acorn Merino Marvel Slippers! They look so cozy!
I follow you and Plow and Hearth on Twitter and I tweeted
I am your facebook fan!
I am a fan of Plow and Hearth on facebook!
I am a fan of Plow and Hearth on facebook!
I subscribe to your blog via email
I subscribe to your blog via email
I have your Holiday button on my blog
entered the giftskins giveaway
entered the round table giveaway
entered the exec gift shoppe giveaway
entered the funrise giveaway
I adore this Farmer Brown Pring:http://www.plowhearth.com/Farmer-Brown_p10500.html
smchester at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/mkjmc/status/2317733190443008 tweeted
I love the UGG Australian Bailey Button Triple boots in the Deep Atlantic color: http://www.plowhearth.com/UGG%26%23174%3B%2DAustralia%2DBailey%2DButton%2DTriplet%2DBoots_p11500_S2006_D3073_C1161.html
I'm your FB fan!
Lauren Foster
I'm a P&H FB fan - 1
Lauren Foster
I'm a P&H FB fan - 2
Lauren Foster
I subscrribe to you via email - 1
I subscribe to you via email - 2
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/2411034681810944
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/2572277182894080
http://twitter.com/mkjmc/status/2687616637992960 tweeted
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/2774205795926016
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
11/11 RT
entered Tonka Strong Arm giveaway
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/2929261853806593
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/3143450581012480
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/3234632187256832
http://twitter.com/mkjmc/status/3426642869354496 tweeted
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/3468058966364160
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/3546639067258880
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/3828410119888896
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
Sunday tweet: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/3828540734701570
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
Happy Monday! http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/4192878712586240
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/4283837634838528
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/4636671416991745
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
I'd love the Single Battery-Operated Window Candle for each of our windows.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your blog via email #2
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow you both and tweeted. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/4897860189429760
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
11/17 rt
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/5021492546904064
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
Tweeted Wed: http://twitter.com/sunnymum/status/5096139749597184
kathypersons at yahoo dto com
I love this!
Plow and Hearth Facebook Fan #1
Plow and Hearth Facebook Fan #2
Entered the Mix Pups Giveaway on NightOwlMama
Entered the Creativity for Kids Giveaway on NightOwlMama
Entered the Admiral Road Scarf Giveaway
11/18 rt
shel704 at aol dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/5437720348336128
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
We need a fireplace tool set and I found the perfect set. Thanks. http://www.plowhearth.com/Crest-Tool-Set_p6132_S2002_D3050_C1028.html
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