Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Schools Out! $10.00 Walmart Giveaway

School started August 1st, now in less than 9 days school will be out here!! Yes, summer vacation! Seems like it was just yesterday I was worried about sending my son to pre-school and now he will be going to kindergarten. So in honor of school letting out let's do a $10.00 Walmart Gift Card!

Rules: US winner, 48 hrs to claim prize.
Disclosure: 100% giveaway by me and no sponsor.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mami2jcn said...

I like that we don't have to get up early.

JC said...

Don't need to be a morning person.

Jackie said...

I like having the kids around...and no schedules!

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I'm also not a fan of getting up early.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

having time with the grandchildren
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Unknown said...

spending more time with my daughter

kport207 at gmail dot com

Kristie said...

I like not having to get up and get the kids to school in the morning...and not having to pick them up in the afternoon! :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mysharona said...

Doing things with my kids.

eclairre said...

No schedules!

sohamolina said...

no honework

bayctygrl said...

Sleeping in! 530 is killing me! I don't have to be up that early for work!

mahnrafjtb said...

I like that we don't have to rush in the morning. That we can hang out in our pj's if we want too. :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoying more time with kids!

Tammy S said...

I like that I don't have to get up early and make cold lunches. :)

Anonymous said...

Sleeping in. Karen,

Ann Fantom said...

There is no homework!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said...

I like not having to get up and get the kids to school in the morning and not having to pick them up in the afternoon.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

clc408 said...

I like having my nephew around.

Unknown said...

spending more time with family

Crystal said...

I actually dislike it, because it means work is busier! But I do love summer!

coliebear said...

I like not having to do homework with my child.

kyl neusch said...

more time with family

Anonymous said...

Not having to rush around in the morning

Carmen Q
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

Not having to get up early

Kristy Thiel said...

being able to relax! Thanks for hosting!

tmc480 said...

more time with family

wigget said...


Anonymous said...



Kia89 said...

I like sleeping in late.

ohstac said...

I like not packing lunches and enjoying longer days.

Kelly N. said...

What's your favorite thing about school being out answer on blog post. Mine is sleeping late:)

no children,not a mom..i suppose school out means a headache for those with kids

Connie Bolick Lee said...

Can go somewhere on vacation!

Anonymous said...

No homework to do.

Lisa Brown said...

not forced to get up early :)

Debra Guillen said...

No schedule guillenwins1 at kc dot rr dot com

Debra Guillen said...

No schedule guillenwins1 at kc dot rr dot com

Amy Z said...

My favorite thing about school being out is no more homework!!

Anonymous said...

Not having to wait at the bus stop

Ciara B. said...

sleeping in

buzzd said...

definitely sleeping in

Karen said...

Having more time to do fun activities and not being stressed as much !!

ktgonyea at

Sra. S. said...

having more time to spend with family and doing activities I enjoy

smilekisses said...

Most definately sleeping in!
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

Ashley said...

My favorite thing about school being out is spending time doing summer activities outdoors.

Yona Williams said...

It means that the weather will be warmer and I can play with my nephew more often. Email: yona(at)

Jan Messali said...

My favorite thing is getting to take more trips to the beach.

*Brittany C* said...

I always enjoy taking my girls to the beach! Thanks for the giveaway!

Denise S. said...

Not having to pack lunches and drive to school every morning.

tracy webb said...

My grand-kids can spend the night.

Unknown said...

I love that I get to sleep in later.

Lisa said...

I like having more free time to watch my television shows!!


kjasus said...

i teach, work!

clynsg said...

Retired, no school children, only thing it does for me is not having to slow down to a crawl in school zones!

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

llinda29 said...

my grandkids can visit

Kerry said...

We haven't started school yet, but when my kids are in school, I'm sure I'll be happy to have family time during the summer!

April Yedinak said...

Not having to worry about getting assignments done

kroch said...

Not having to rush in the morning to get my kids out the door

Dancehottie1621 at aol dot com
Katie R.

Jessica said...

summer sunshine!

Anonymous said...

waqrmer weather!

Cecil Atom said...

I love sleeping in! [kirc0109 (at) umn (.) edu]

Miss Sarah said...

More time to do special things as a family.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

no more making lunches. thanks for linking up to tip toe tuesday giveaway hop. hope to see you next week.

msrodeobrat said...

I like that I have more free time to do what I need to
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

dmoniz1980 said...

not getting stuck behind a school bus when running late to work

sparkedcat said...

Now the kids can help with the yard work.

Teresa Moore said...

My favorite part of school being out that there is no extra activities, practices or recitals.

Pat said...

I'd agree with sleeping late.

c allen said...

i love the down time with the kids! i will get to see them more than a few hours a day thanks crystal allen, clallen at ntin dot net

Peggy Damon said...

being lazy with the kids, and hanging by the pool


Jessica T. said...

I'm glad I don't have to fight with my son to do homework.

Anonymous said...

No school zones.

Kelley L.

Just Coupons said...

Enjoying all the time with my kids

Unknown said...

Being able to spend that time with Family.

hollygunter said...

everything feels more laid back :)

Keely said...

Not having to get up so early!

Ms Penny Pincher said...

I like being able to plan fun days with my kids!

Anonymous said...

we homeschool so i ust enjoy the break!
howardreviews at gmaildotcom

mscoffee77 said...

I love spending more time with my kids during the summer:)


Katharina said...

My favorite thing is all the great activities we can plan for those long summer days!
Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

Caryn said...

That it's finally warm out

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

Rachel Travis said...

Time for more fun!

rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com

Emily N. said...

being able to go on vacation

Unknown said...

What I like most about the kids being out of school is the things we get to do like, nature walks, swimming, picnics, crafts and gardening.

Robin T said...

It allows me to sleep in

Tamar said...

less carpools!

Tara said...

less traffic

pauline15 said...

No more homework!

Erica C. said...

I like that we get to go on vacation!

DontSayHurry said...

Spending time with my girls

MizVickik said...

I love that it stays light out so much later! (Miz Vickik)

Nickolay said...

I love Summer Mornings. They just feel different with no school!

Anonymous said...

I like that I am no longer teaching!

tavernie said...

Not haveing to wake the kids up in the morning!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Not having to drive the 10 miles to my kids school to drop them off and pick the up

DC said...

not having to deal with the school buses on the road!

Unknown said...

Sleeping in and also being able to do more things with the kids

thescribbler said...

My children are grown, thankfully. I do remember enjoying holidays and summer when I wouldn't have to worry much about getting home on time to pick him up from the bus stop.

Kelly Skibbe said...

I don't have to work. I am a teacher!

Cynthia W said...

A break from helping with homework!

Julieh said...

My favorite thing is being able to sleep in. julie hawkins
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Aly said...

Warmer weather and lazy days!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

sleeping in!

Ashley T. said...

Sleeping in

Unknown said...

warmer weather and sleeping in

Jaime Nicole said...

Being able to have more time with the kids because of no homework!

Ellie said...

My favorite thing is that we can stay out later if we want!

ELlie W.
fcorin13 at yahoo dot com

Mary Gardner said...

having the kids at home

marygardner49 at aol dot com

non_amos said...

Not having to get stuck behind school busses on the way to work! :)

Sheila Vives said...

My favorite thing about the kids being out of school, is that they are now getting a break from their rigorous schedule and can relax, play, and have some fun.

Mosaic317 said...

Not having to nag my son about homework!

mosaic317 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Mine is a more flexable schedule with not having to worry about getting up at a certain time or getting home to meet the bus at a certain time wilcarvic

Anonymous said...

the extra time

Erica G said...

getting more family time
cinderwhims at gmail dot com

brendaelsner said...


heymissvirginia said...

Heading to the beach!

thischickwins said...

i like being able to take the kids to a water park
thischickwins at gmail dot com

Melanie Montgomery said...

No kids yet, so it doesnt affect me.
Melanie Montgomery

sunnymoon said...

i'm a fan of sleeping in, so extra time in bed is a plus
almanyc_1 at netzero dot com

Minding Spot said...

sleeping in - I accidently put that in stead of my name on the rafflecopter - sorry!

wendyhines at hotmail dot com

cman said...

More time with family.

Kim said...

Sleeping in!

daveshir2005 said...

Not having such a rigid schedule.

fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

brich2222 said...

sleep in later

brich22 at earthlink dot net

Jan said...

Thanks for sponsoring this contest and the prize.