Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Monday, August 13, 2012

New Corvette Bedroom @thestep2company

Yes you have heard right, Step2 has a Corvette Bedroom Suite!

Corvette® Toddler to Twin Bed with Lights, Corvette® Dresser™ & Corvette® Storage Chest™! I know my sons would flip for this! What about your children what would they love for Christmas from Step2?

Have you signed up for Step2 Birthday Club for special offers, sales, new product details & coupon codes!

Disclosure:  All opinions are my own. Just Sharing


PoniLinda said...

What a cool room! Any boy would dream about it

kelly1980777 said...

my kids would total love this room

Unknown said...

My son would love the Step 2 Kitchen, he loves pretending to cook!

mugsymcg46 at yahoo dot com

Amber said...

This is super cute - almost as good as a real Corvette, right?
Thank you for the giveaway :)

clc408 said...

Little boys would be thrilled with a Corvette bed. How cool would that be?

David Hollingsworth said...

If I had a kid, this would be great for him.

Unknown said...

Most children would love to have this in their room, I would if I were young :)

cman said...

Sweet car bed!

rosannepm said...

How perfect for my grandson. He has loved cars trucks and tractors practically since he was born.

Linda said...

My grandson would think this room is so cool!

June M. said...

My young nephews would love this bedroom suite. It is so cute!

Unknown said...

Super cute, I think my nephew would just love this.

Kelly N. said...

i used a refrigerator box when i was a kid..ha ha

Unknown said...

My nephew would love this.

Mrs. Stacey said...

I wish I had this when my son was younger.

calger63 said...

My grandson would love this

Richelle said...

Hot dog! My son would pee his pants (well I hope not!) if he had this. The boy who has a gazillion Hot Wheels. This has his name all over it.

Unknown said...

That's adorable. My nephew would love it.

Sandy V. said...

Wow, this is nice, my son had a car bed like this but this looks even better.

Susie Chadwick said...

My kids would love on of their play kitchens.

Anonymous said...

I dont have children but this would be awesome for a boy!!!

Unknown said...

Wow - they have made some progress in cool bedroom sets for boys. Nice!

slehan said...

You'll be hearing "Zoom, zoom" from his bedroom.

Mitch said...

That would be so cool. I would want that!

Trisha McKee said...

Oh, this is awesome and I wish I had a little boy so I could get this!!

jamie braun said...

ive always thought these were so cool! we have all girls though!