Life is like a sandcastle something beautiful here for awhile & then gone, but the impression it makes on others can last forever.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Proof

This is proof that Nanna will do what grandchildren want. My mom will kill me for showing this, but I did block out the face.

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Anonymous said...

Isn't that what grandmas do though? I always tell my mom, you really do everything these kids want, it's funny.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Wow, maybe she's just preparing for Halloween.

Jana said...

Ha ha! Very cool!! Now that's a great grandma!!

Happy WW!

Dee said...


Traci66 said...

What a special grandma your kiddos have. I think it is great she is will to wear crazy things for them.

Anonymous said...

I bet they love her for it.

Staci A said...

Aww, what a great Nanna! She looks like a good sport!

sara said...

Oh that made me laugh!

Samantha said...

LOL!!!! Too funny!!!
Have Sippy Will Travel

Darlene said...

Yep, we'll do purty near anything for those grandkids!

LeeAnn said...

Awesome! Grandparents like that are the BEST!

I tagged you on my blog today. I hope you'll play along!

My Wee View said...

Love it & yes,,, they sure will,,, aren't grandparents great?

thanks for sharing your WW
