My 1yr was asleep and had no idea brother was playing with a new toy but, as soon as he heard the noise, he was ready to play. They both played and big brother showed the little one how drive the truck through the farm. I liked how they learn the animals and sounds. It a great hands on education developmental toy. I like they they are problem solving following directions. The Play mat measures 27.5 x 36 (69.8cm x 91.4cm) and that is a good size for play with 2 boys. Talk on the Farm Toy Mat is for ages 12 months through 6 years old and it's an Alex toy.
Round Table Toys have alot of other toys and I could easily fill under my tree. I really like the Z-Curve Bow, I wanted to try it bad cause it looks like so much fun. My boys ain't quite the age for that one but, I was thinking it may be nice to get two. One for my husband and one for me to chase each other :)
Thanks to Round Table Toys for being a part of Life Is A SandCastle 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. Round Table Toys will give one of my readers either the Z-Curve Bow or other gift of choice under $25.
Contest closes 11:59pm Eastern November 16, 2010
Open US winner has 5 days to respond to my email
Leave your email in to post or available in profile, I will not search for it
MUST complete Mandatory Entry. Winner will be chosen by random org. Entries that does not follow the rules will not win.
Mandatory Entry is to visit Round Table Toys and tell me the toy you love with page link.
Entry should look something like this:
I like the Talk on the Farm @ http://www.roundtabletoys.com
********EXTRA ENTRIES***********
*Blog about the giveaway linking Round Table Toys & Life Is A SandCastle (5entries)
*Follow Life Is A SandCastle via Google Friend Connect
* Follow both on twitter & tweet " #giveaway choice $25 toy or Z-Curve Bow @roundtabletoys @lifesandcastle http://t.co/HE7M2zu #win 11/16" (1 daily)
*Become my face book fan.
*Become a Round Table Toys facebook fan. (2entries)
*Subscribe to my blog by email. (2 entries)
*Enter Night Owl Mama or giveaways on my site- one entry for each you enter.
*Comment on one non giveaway post on my site(2 entries)
*Grab the Holiday Gift Button @ top left side of my blog.
Disclosure: Please note this giveaway was presented by company or PR. I reviewed wrapping paper. I did not receive any other compensation. All opinions are my own.
Love roundtable, take my kids there almost every Saturday for silly band exchange and arts & crafts & we love the store. fav item is Three Little Pigs Play Set from Melissa & Doug
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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i like the shopping cart
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tcogbill at live dot com
i would pick the all about baby all dolled up http://www.roundtabletoys.com/3622111-SW.html
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like round table toys on face book (joanne Major)
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I love all of the Playmobil sets. My favorite is the Pyramid.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
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hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
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I like the ELC Music - Microphone w/ Stand Red
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Rebecca Niehaus
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I entered the Lysol giveaway at Night Owl Mama
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
I entered the Zuvo giveaway at Night Owl Mama
imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com
The ZeeBeez look neat.
I like the HEXBUG Inchworm: Indigo from Innovation First
I'd love to have the Magnetic Wooden Alphabet from Melissa & Doug for my daughter.
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I entered the CrazyDog T-Shirts giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
I entered the HearthSong giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
I entered the Pretend Play Kitchen Shop giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
I entered the Executive Gift Shoppe giveaway.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I like the Talk on the Farm @ http://www.roundtabletoys.com/trunki-luggage.html
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
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I entered the Old El Paso giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I love this one! http://www.roundtabletoys.com/ZG777-ZG.html
I like the Frolicking Frog Pull Toy from Melissa & Doug
couponboss at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Executive Gift Shoppe giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Pretend Play Kitchen Shop giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Hearthsong giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Just Jen giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
couponboss at gmail dot com
I entered the Uncle Ben's giveaway at Night Owl Mama.
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entered Night Owl Mama El Paso Taco Giveaway
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entered Night Owl Mama
Melissa and Doug Play Food Groups Giveaway
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entered Night Owl Mama
Uncle Ben's Whole Grain Rice Giveaway
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entered Night Owl Mama
Crazy Dog T-Shirt Giveaway
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entered Night Owl Mama
Pillow Pets Giveaway
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Double Tracking Racing Tower Giveaway
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I like the Lets Party Suitcases...
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I like the flyer foam helicopter
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
i like the zyclone zing-ring blaster @ http://www.roundtabletoys.com/ZG777-ZG.html
babcock6479 at gmail dot net
I liked the Car Wash at http://www.roundtabletoys.com/808.html
micaela6955 at msn dot com
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sent you FB friend request M Pineda
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Round table toys FB fan M Pineda
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got holiday gift button
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entered Gift Skins
micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered savvycents
micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered Executive Gift Shoppe giveaway
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the item that I would love to use the gc towards is the Shopping Cart from Melissa & Doug
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
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entered Savvycents wallet giveaway
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entered Pillow Pets giveaway at Night Owl Mama
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entered HearthSong giveaway at Night Owl Mama
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entered Melissa nad Doug foodgroups giveaway at Night Owl Mama
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rt http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/28717783483
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billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
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I like this barn play set.
(alidear at hotmail dot com)
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tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/28950381221
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/29047311669
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
I love the Melissa and Doug Dollhouse kitchen furniture - http://www.roundtabletoys.com/2582.html
I friended you on facebook - Rachel Manley
I like Round Table Toys on facebook.
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
tweet.. http://twitter.com/RITAGIRL/status/29216524414
billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
my kids would love the blue plasma ride on toy: http://www.roundtabletoys.com/PC030.html
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billdebstanton at hotmail dot com
Definitely the Lala Loopsy Rag Dolls!!
savvyhousewife @yahoo.com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/29433699621
gotta say i think my kids would love
Bump n Chuck r/c Bumper Cars from Kid Galaxy
Product ID: 10414
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
follow on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted http://twitter.com/lovinmykiddos/status/29470600579
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like on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
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enterd your giftcard rescue giveaway
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entered night owl mamas just jen
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entered night owl mama's old el paso
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entered night owl mamas chilis giveaway
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entered nightowl mamas
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entered nightowl mamas
disney's tangled
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/29522039498
I love the Pricess in the Tub set!http://www.roundtabletoys.com/829.html
colesammom at gmail dot com
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I entered the Plow & Hearth giveaway.
couponboss at gmail dot com
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I love the Zyclone Zing-Ring Blaster- http://www.roundtabletoys.com/ZG777-ZG.html
tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/369037754241024
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I like the Creamy Crayons for my daughter. Thanks! Here's the link to them: http://www.roundtabletoys.com/246.html
aleksa91 hotmail
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We like the Slice and Bake Cookie Set from Melissa & Doug
I entered the Funrise Tonka giveaway.
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I entered Just Jen giveaway on the Night Owl Mama blog
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I entered the HearthSong Double Track Race Tower giveaway at Night Owl Mama's blog
I entered the Chili’s $20 Gift Card on Night Owl Mama's blog
tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/1967879020875776
I have been considering this toy that i like from the site you mentioned
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/2095570470567938
I like The Elf on the Shelf!
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entered the giftskins giveaway
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I'd pick the Cobi MCLAREN - VODAFONE F1 260 block. They look like higher quality than Legos. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/2537644189810688
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tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/3769418655989760
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/3859652865433600
I liek the Lalaloopsy Dot Starlight doll http://www.roundtabletoys.com/500414-MGA.html!
They have super cute toys, I love the variety, thanks for the giveaway!
I follow via GFC (kconklin1028), thanks!
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I entered your Gift Skins Wrapping Paper giveaway, thanks!
They have such nice stuff! I like the Take-Along TV:
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